Page 16 - General Catalogue 2020
P. 16
1st choice for frequent flyers!
The only saline nasal spray with an effective
Xlear Nasal Sprays level of Xylitol.
Xlear Nasal Spray Benefits
Xlear Nasal Spray is an all natural product and contains xylitol and saline solution. Being hyper-osmotic, it
draws moisture and keeps the nasal passages and sinuses more moist and clean than saline alone.
Xylitol is the ingredient that sets Xlear nasal sprays apart from all of the other nasal sprays!
Free from chemical antihistamines or decongestant.
Xlear Nasal Sprays
• sold individually
• XL106 Xlear Saline Nasal Spray w/Pump Mist 1.5oz w/s $14.57
• XL107 Xlear Saline Nasal Spray w/Capsicum 1.5oz w/s $17.81
• XL108 Xlear Rescue Nasal Spray w/Essential Oils 1.5oz w/s $17.81
• XL101 Xlear Saline Nasal Spray with Xylitol .75oz w/s $9.16
• XL102 Xlear Kids Saline Nasal Spray w/Xylitol .75oz w/s $9.16
NEW 2019 NEW 2019
Revised Jan 2019