Page 3 - Power. Parity. Profit. Africas women...OUR time is now_Book 1
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G l o b a l I c o n H o n o u r
"Honor is simply the morality of superior (wo)man"
H.L. Mencken
Earlier this year, Executive Director of UN Women, Madame Phumzile Mlambo-
Ngcuka launched Generation Equality, a campaign created to bring the Beijing
Declaration & Platform for Action (of 1995) into contemporary times, making it
more relevant to our lives today, especially for young people. The
#GenerationEquality campaign speaks to 6 action coalitions that we need to
work towards achieving, not only as women, but men and youth included.
Not only does UN Women celebrate their anniversary in July, but it is also the
anniversary of the appointment of H.E. Dr. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka as the
Executive Director on 10 July. Having spent 7 years now at the helm of this
dynamic organisation it is safe to say that she has not only led it’s game-
changing status, but has been a game-changer herself in her, approach ensuring
that gender quality is on the lips and minds of every leader in the world.
The narrative of gender equality has never been stronger in the history of
humanity, and we would believe that this is due to Ma’am Phumzile’s way of
doing things. As the former Deputy President of South Africa and being part of
the struggle for an Apartheid-free South Africa, she is wise in the ways of
making those who need to be accountable - for action.
Right at the outset of the Covid-19 outbreak, she coined the phrase ‘Build Back
Better’, which has even become a mantra of the Secretary General of the United
Nations – he uses it so frequently, it has become 'his'. And herein lies Ma’am
Phumzile’s power – her ability to translate influence into action, and then into
culture - it is why her name has been solidified in the history books.
Ma’am Phumzile, we want to take this opportunity of humbly saying to you how
grateful we are to live in ‘your time’. You lead the movement of gender equality
with heart and head, and you have inspired us to reach greater heights in
making the economic emancipation of Africa’s women a reality.
We will not rest until this is achieved, and this is only so because you are not
resting until Generation Equality and the targets of SDG 5 are met – this you
have made clear in thought, word, and deed.
We take the light you have shared with us, and it is this light, YOUR light that
we shall pass on to Africa’s women. We honour your iconic legacy today in
taking Africa to the world, & positioning African women in the light of
excellence, morality, and abundance.