Page 11 - RISE-January-2021
P. 11


         Life without ambition is a gun without a target.       Earth watch has an impressive functionality of seismome-
         Everyone should have an ambition and march to target it.   ter, weather forecasting, dart system
         Likewise, the ambition of my life is to become a scientist.   The watch is convenient for people working in mine, avia-
         Right from my childhood I liked science a lot and I faced   tion, and the marine industry.
         the subject so much. Whenever I see an advancement in   In every minor detail of our  life, science plays a valuable
         science, I am astonished and I myself want to be a reason   role.

         for the great change. Becoming a scientist is my ambition   We wish to contribute towards our share in the communi-
         because becoming one would help me in bringing out solu-  ty in making this world better than what it is today.
         tions  to  some  problems  in  the  society.  There  are  many   I believe,
         environmental issues like global warming, unforeseen dis-           A theory
         aster, pollution and so one. I want to focus my mind on the                            Has an alternative
         root cause of such issues and find a solution to these is-                            Of being right or wrong
         sues as a scientist in future.                                 A gadget
         If I were a scientist, I would research a lot on the natural                            Has the third possibility it

         disasters happening on the earth like earthquakes, volcan-                            May be right but irrelevant
         ic  eruption,  tsunami  and  safety  measures  to  be  followed
         during such natural disasters. It also gives us all the safety
         measures to be followed during a virus outbreak.
                                                                     Zz  ^K  >  ͬ ϳ'
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