Page 6 - RISE-January-2021
P. 6

MY DREAM                                       AN INQUISITIVE MIND

                              Article                                                 Poem
                                                                Born with an inquisitive mind,

                                                                Mechanical Toys is what that keep me bind.
                                                                Inspired by great Sir Albert Einstein,
                                                                What I want to be, is for sure to be seen.

                                                                Becoming scientist is my dream,
                                                                Changing the world of science to extreme.
                                                                Longing to create an anti -gravity machine

                                                                Which no-one  has  ever seen.

         I am tired, I need a peaceful sleep.

         I  woke  up  in  a  place  very  cold,  dark  and  empty  place.  I

         could see earth from here and was shocked, soon I realized

         that I was on the moon. I roamed around for a while and

         was  feeling  tired.  I  lied  down  and  realized  I  couldn’t,  oh

         now I remember there is very less gravity. It was kind of
         fun  jumping  around  and  it  is  a  better  view  of  the  stars
         from here. After a few minutes I heard a voice. The voice
         began to get louder and louder that I couldn’t bear it. The
         sound then stopped and saw it was a satellite and it land-
                                                                It  could also  be a shiny  hand-held  beam,
         ed right in front of me. I was curious to see what country
                                                                Just like the one in my dream.
         this satellite was and realized there was no name or mark,
         there was some kind of strange figure that resembled an   One with an anti-gravity processor,
         alien. I was kind of scared to see it but soon was ok. Sud-  Which still has no predecessor.
         denly the door opened and saw some kind of strange crea-  Employed easily in many fields,
         ture. I was scared and hid behind a giant rock they found   From transport to defense shields.
         me. I almost fainted when I saw them. They were kind and
                                                                Wishing to serve the mankind,
         helped me. But it turns out they were not that kind and
                                                                To make everyone spellbind.
         locked me up into a cage. I tried to get out but all was in

         vain. I suddenly got the idea to open the lock with a pin

         which I luckily had. It worked .I tried to escape but the al-

         iens  caught  me  and  I  was  stuck  to  the  wall.  The  aliens
         picked up their blaster and shot it at me. I woke up panic-
         stricken, and I realized it was all a dream.

                                                                   ,Zhs < E > ͬ ϳ'
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