Page 4 - RISE-January-2021
P. 4

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           A DAY AS CAPTAIN SUGARTAIL                                       THE TELEPORTER

                            Short Story                                            Short Story

         That night I read my Captain Sugartail comic till late, slow-  Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Aston. He al-
         ly I felt sleepy. Next morning I woke up and was surprised   ways wanted to be able to teleport. One night, as he was
         to  see  Firefox  floating  above  my  bed!  He  said  “Why  are   sleeping,  he  had  a  dream  about  it.  The  next  morning  he
         you resting there Captain Sugartail? I was astonished as   woke up lying down on the street. To test his power, he
         he called me Captain Sugartrail. Then I checked myself in   closed his eyes and tried to think about his home. When he
         the mirror and I was wearing actual Captain Sugartail suit!   opened his eyes, he was suddenly in his house. Excited, he
         At that moment Blue Saturn flew me out of my window.   ran to his parents to tell them about the superpower he
         While we were flying he told me that Dark Vander and his   had  gotten.  They  just  laughed  at  him.  That  made  Aston
         army of villains were attacking the city of Valhalla. After   very angry. He closed his eyes to try to show his parents
         that,  he  wished  me  good  luck  and  dropped  me.  I  was   his new skill but unfortunately, it did not work. He went

         scared. But when I put my hands facing downwards I start-  back to his bed and started  crying for hours. But he did
         ed floating. Then I realized that I had Captain Sugartail’s   not  lose  hope.  He  decided  not  to  get  upset,  and  to  try
         powers. I found Dark Vander and fought him with my wa-  again. He closed his eyes again and thought about going to
         ter,  air,  fire  and  earth  bending.  It  was  an  intense  battle.   Paris.  When  he  opened  his  eyes,  he  was  very  happy:  so
         Dark Vander was too strong for us. When we were about   happy that he was about to cry! He had landed in Paris.
         to give up I gathered all my strength into my final attack   He planned to keep his powers a secret and also made a
         ‘The Imperial Unibeam’. The imperial Unibeam was a move   mask so that no one can recognize him. Then, he teleport-
         with incredible power; it contained all the elements and a   ed back to his house and went to his basement where he

         beam  of  light.  And  with  my  heroic  efforts  we  finally  de-  worked  on  making  a  suit  and  a  better  mask.  Three  days
         feated  Dark  Vander  and  his  army.  But  one  of  Dark   later,  his  suit  and  mask  were  prepared.  While  taking  the
         Vander’s  foot  soldiers  had  survived,  he  got  up  and  drew   suit to his room, he ran across his mother. She noticed the
         his sword and attacked me. I screamed on top of my voice   mask and the suit and saw that it was well designed. She
         as I was scared. The next moment I saw myself on my bed.      asked what it was. Aston lied saying that it was a costume
                                                                for a school program, and his mother believed him.
                                                                Aston  had  fit  his  suit  with  additional  powers  to  aid  him
                              ^, hE s Z', ^  ͬ ϲ                against  enemies.  One  was  the  suit  shield,  and  the  other

                                                                was super strength. He also had a tracking system in his
                                                                suit. He was ready to face his enemies. He teleported to
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