Page 5 - RISE-January-2021
P. 5

his 1st target and saw a total of 11 people. He fought off   Going to online class ,
         10 of them, leaving behind only the boss. In one swift ac-  With teachers & friends.
         tion, Aston was able to beat the boss; this action came to   Started to do the homework
         be known as his finishing move.                        Some of them are artwork.
          Over three years, he defeated more than 500 enemies and   I ate the dinner and went to bed
         became a sensation. Support came from all over the world.   Then I slept and I was all set.

         One  fine  day,  Aston  came  across  a  news  article.  It  read
         about five superheroes who teamed up to defeat villains.
         He planned to meet them and persuade them to let him          < Zd/< > > ͬ ϲ
         join the team. But they did not allow him, saying that he
         was too young.

         He was again disappointed but decided not to give up. He
         started training and fighting evil again to prove his worth.   WHAT IS OUR SUPER POWER?
         Finally, they let him join their team but on the condition
         that he must pass a test. He completed the physical test
                                                                Why there are lot of chaos around  us? Why so much of
         and thought he did well. The test results came in and the
                                                                pain?  Why  there  is  violence  everywhere?  Why  hunger,
         team seemed to be disappointed. Aston told him to get it
                                                                poverty, death, destruction and despair?  Why some peo-
         over  with.  The  boss  then  suddenly  put  up  a  smile  and
                                                                ple become corrupt? Why some are intolerant? Why ha-
         shouted,  "You  have  passed!".  He  was  dumbfounded.  He
                                                                tred?  Why  divisions?  Why  greed?  Why  we  are  selfish?
         teleported near the team and received his certificate and
                                                                Why….. Why…. Why….!
         many other gifts. He was very proud of himself.
                                                                 A  lot  many  questions,  and  no  clear  answers,  tired  and

                                                                tired of thinking, sleep was my hope. I don’t know how and
                                                                when did I fall into the hands of it.
                               ^dKE W/EdK ͬ ϲ
                                                                 In the midst of such joy, I found a four letter word reso-
                                                                nating  inside  me.  It  spelled  –  “K…I…N…D”.  Lord  Krishna,
                                                                Buddha,  Jesus…..legends  started  showing  up  their  faces

                          MORNING                               inside me. My world was filling with hope. They reminded
                                                                me of a super power I have within me – Kindness.
                              Poem                               Yeah, when I woke up from that divine experience, I was
                                                                sure of finding the super power within me – The Kindness.
                                                                Kindness and compassion generates love in us. When love
                                                                spreads  around,  we  become  universal.  In  a  place  where
                                                                there is abundance of kindness and love, there wouldn’t be

                                                                any  selfishness.  Absence  of  selfishness  would  remove  all

                                                                chaos,  pain,  violence,  destruction  and  despair.  All  super-
             When I got up in the morning fast,
                                                                powers  are  within  us.  Realizing  it  is  the  challenge.  Let’s
             Even had the breakfast.
                                                                realize the kindness and compassion within us, we realise
             I drank a glass of milk,
                                                                that we are super powered.
             With wearing the shirt of silk.
             Drawing a bicycle yellow in colour,
             From the bottle of water colour.
             Then filling the jar of water to water plants,                         < ^, s Z D E d,  ͬ ϲ
             In the land of ants.
             With the plants tulsis & brinjals,
                  Filled with nutrients & minerals.
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