Page 24 - 02-RISE-February-2021
P. 24
“Life is impossible without the availability of fresh & clean wa-
What is water conservation? Water conservation is the practice
of using water efficiently to reduce unnecessary water usage.
Water conservation is of almost importance because fresh clean In fact, 99% of the worlds water is in the form of SALT
water is a limited resource, as well as providing clean water is a WATER or ICE!
costly procedure. We live here in THE UAE, a desert country.
Try and guess what I’m talking about-
“Simple Actions leads to Big Water Savings”
Life exists on the earth because of IT. IT itself being
How can we save water? We can save water wastage by check- With ZERO RIVERS,
tasteless, odorless, and colorless adds the taste, the col-
ing for leaks and repairing them. Turn off water taps when they SCANTY RAINFALL
or, and the smell required for every living being on Earth
are not in use. Only operate water- using appliances when And SALTY GROUNDWATER
to enjoy a beautiful LIFE.
they’re fully loaded. We have to take simple steps to stop wast- So, have you ever thought of how we get water in UAE?
IT has no shape and takes nothing from us but gives us
age of water everywhere, at home, in school, while watering the
plants. We can save water not only by checking. repairing, con- It is through a really costly process in which salty sea
trolling the usage of water but we can also save water by rain water is made into sweet drinking water-It’s called DE-
What do you think it is? YES, it’s.... WATER.
harvesting which means collecting and storing rainwater for SALINATION.
Try to imagine your life without water.
different uses. So, every DROP of water we get here is VERY precious.
You probably wouldn’t get through the first 15 minutes
“Water is limited, use it wisely” We are fortunate to be living in country that has enough
of your day: Washing your face, brushing your teeth ,
What can we conclude? We can conclude that conservation of resources to provide us with clean desalinated water, but
flushing the toilet, taking a shower.... it’s all just water
water should be part of our lives. It is not something which think of people living elsewhere...
you see!!
should be told to us but it is a thing which everybody should Thus, we must understand that water scarcity is indeed A
Water also irrigated the cotton in your PJs and the
follow irrespective of their age and difficulties. Help save water. FACT in today’s world.
sheets that kept you warm throughout the night. It’s in NOW ITS UP TO US
the coffee, it’s in the milk and if you carefully look
around you, you will find that there’s a bit of water in This calls for IMMEDIATE ACTION ,so let’s buckle up and
everything! take this STEP to do all we possibly can to CONSERVE
Yash Mathur / 6C
Water is the most PRECIOUS substance on the water so that this precious resource saved for today, as
Earth...and more than Three-fourth of the Earth’s sur- well as our future
face is WATER... Then why do we talk about Scarcity?
Well, the water that comes under this Three-fourth of
Kezia Elsa Tiju
surface water is mostly sea or ocean water. Can you pic-
ture yourself drinking ocean water? NO! You can’t can
you? It’s going to be TOO SALTY and you JUST WONT
BE ABLE to drink it!