Page 26 - 02-RISE-February-2021
P. 26
Article CITY
What is Sustainability? Article
Sustainability is the ability to exist and develop with-
out depleting natural resources for the future. Aims to be one of the
There are 3 Pillars of Sustainability. What are they? most sustainable
• Environmental protection urban communities in
• Social development the world.
• Economic development Some information
What is Environmental protection? about Masdar City.
It is the most discussed element. Environmental pro-
tection is the practice of protecting the natural envi- • Buildings in Masdar City are designed to be at
ronment. It’s an activity to maintain or restore the least 40% more energy and water efficient
Environment. than conventional buildings
What is Social development? • 90% of construction waste is reused or recy-
It is about treating everyone EQUALLY so that all cled
citizens can journey toward their dreams with confi- • City uses power generated by a 10MW solar
dence and dignity. PV farm and 1MW rooftop solar PV panels
What is Economic development? • Iconic Personal Rapid Transport (PRT) network
It is the simplest form of sustainability. Economic De- of driverless vehicles has carried more than 2
velopment is the creation of wealth from which com- million passengers
munity benefits are realized. It’s more than jobs. It’s an • Home to 50,000 residents and 40,000 profes-
investment in which your economy grows. It also en- sionals and students by 2030
hances the prosperity and quality of life for all resi-
“Sustainable development is development that
meets the needs of the present without compromis-
ing the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs.”
Afraa Mohammed Sajidulla
Asmi Patil