Page 30 - 02-RISE-February-2021
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imperialistic during this time they formed a new treaty
STORY OF TRUCIAL STATES called the 1892 Exclusive Agreement which gave the British
full power over the Trucial states. It also forced the Trucial
sates to not give any land to any of the other superpowers
The story of UAE is one which should not be just considered
of that time. As return the British would have had to pro-
as a fragment of history, but rather as a story of how a na-
tect the states from foreign attacks. It was a win - win situ-
tion went from rags to riches using exceptional leadership
ation for both parties as the condition of the Trucial states
and unity. Contemporary United Arab Emirates is filled with
was dire. But disaster struck when in the 1920s the Japa-
happiness, lustre and luxury, but it wasn’t like this always.
nese men discovered ways to create fake pearl.
If you were to visit UAE in 1800s you would only be able to
The journey of United Arab Emirates from poverty to
see vast desert stretching till and beyond the naked eye can
launching a probe to the red planet should be one which
see. East, west, north or south only oceans of sand could be
should be looked upon by millions. The main reason for
UAE’s success was that it was able to hold on firmly to its
Even in this harsh and un-liveable condition small communi- fundamental values of Honesty, Unity and Tolerance.
ties called sheikhdoms still existed. As their names imply
they were ruled by sheikhs. The place which is now UAE was
then called as pirate coasts by the Englishmen.
It was called so, because of a rumour that all ships passing
through the now Strait of Hormuz would get inevitably sunk
by the Bedouin tribes living in the region .
But this allegation was eventually proven false by the cur- Bhagat Suresh / 7A
rent ruler of Sharjah Saying “They were just excuses by the
english to enforce imperialism”. So in 1820 a peace treaty
was signed in which the British asked the locals to stop
committing piracy. But was unsuccessful and conflicts in the
region was still tenacious. This treaty was temporary and
had to be renewed in timely intervals. Eventually the sheikhs
realized that these treaties could be helpful by boosting the
pearl business which was their main source of income and
export back then. So for the first time a permanent treaty
was signed with the Britishers in 1853 thus the sheikhdoms
came to be known as the Trucial states. Since British were