Page 34 - 02-RISE-February-2021
P. 34

RIDDLE-1                               If you have it, you share it. If you share it you don’t have
                                                                    it. What is it?

           I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have     Surya had a dog. What is the dog’s name. What is the
             no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?        dog’s name?

           I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no     Where does Friday come before Thursday?
             trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
                                                                  Scientists are trying to find what is between Earth and
           What did the bull say to his son when he was leaving?    Heaven. Do you know what is between Earth and Heav-
           What disappears as soon as you say its name?
                                                                  Poor people have it, rich people need it, if you eat it you
           First, think of the color of the clouds. Next, think of the   die. What is it?
             color of snow. Now, think of the color of a bright full
             moon. Now answer quickly what do cows drink?         What belongs to you but is mostly used by everyone?

           What is it that given one, you will have either two or
             none?                                                               ANSWERS

                          ANSWERS                                 our breath

                                                                  5 (all daughters have the same brother)

           Echo                                                 It’s shadow
           Candle                                               the word ‘INCORRECTLY’

           Bison (By+Son = Bi-Son)                              Secret

           Silence                                              What
           Water                                                The dictionary

           Choice                       Saaliha Rumanna         AND’

                                                7F                Nothing
                                                                  Your name


           I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t

             hold me for five minutes. What am I?                     Vaishnavi Planivel
           Mary has four daughters and each of them has a broth-
             er. How many children does Mary have?

           What looks exactly like elephant but weighs nothing?

           Which word is always pronounced incorrectly in the
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