Page 126 - Gyananda YearBook 2022-23
P. 126
Eons ago, in a quaint town called Ely near London there were three girls Sally,
Ashley, and Karen. They were best friends since the age of four. They met at Open
Spring Park for the first time, and ever since that day, they had been together.
We all go through certain phases in life where we are obsessed with unrealistic
things. Well, that's exactly what happened to them.
One day at school, the Principal announced that their exams were right around the
corner, so these cheeky, little teenage girls set out for a journey to try to get their
test sheets and cheat. But how?
Just then, Sally realised and told them that they could use ‘black magic!’
The only question was, “Where would they learn it?”
But luckily, Ashley and Karen knew a lady that was about 20 feet away from Sally’s
So Sally said, "Hey, you guys could stay the night at my place. The next
morning we could head out to the old lady’s house!" So Karen and Ashley
asked their parents for permission, and luckily their parents said yes. The
girls excitedly went home, got their night clothes and headed to Sally’s
The girls had a lot of fun at night. They played truth and dare (the
spooky version), then they played snakes and ladders, and they
even had a spa in their bathroom!
When it was dinner time, the girls were famished and ran down to
Sally’s mother. They found a note on the table that said "We have
gone out for dinner and will be back in an hour or two. Please
help yourselves with dinner in the fridge or you could order pizza.
We have left some money in your piggy bank. Love, Mom and
So the girls ordered cheesy pizzas. They watched a movie till their dinner arrived. Suddenly the
doorbell rang and the girls got scared, screamed, ran and forgot that it could have been the delivery
man. After some time, they managed to open the door and then Karen said, "Oh my my! It was just the
pizza man!". Strangely there were no pizzas in the box but a spooky note that said “I heard you girls
wanted to learn black magic?! Well then you thought of the right lady. Meet me at 7:00 am outside your
school and yes, your pizza will be there too. "
For the next two hours, the girls sat in bed terrified. However, they were relieved and excited about
learning black magic. But the only problem was that their school started at 9:00 am, not 7:00 am. So
they wondered how they would meet the old lady? The only way that could happen was if they
sneaked out. So they did just that.