Page 16 - Leveraging Up eBook by Joanne Linden
P. 16
Leveraging Up!
contingency plans in place to use these tools to interface with your
Executive from pretty much anywhere in the world. Let’s explore
some of the ways you can prepare to conduct business remotely,
even for extended periods of time.
Setting Up to Telecommute
On days when it’s not feasible for you or your Executive to
be in the office physically for any reason, setting up a secondary
workspace at home or via your laptop is easier than you think. One
of the most secure ways for Execs and/or Assistants to work
remotely is through the use of cloud-based computing, particularly a
configuration that allows for “virtual desktops”—a system that allows
you to log into your workspace from any computer. This kind of setup
not only allows you to stay up to speed on your current task list from
anywhere—it’s also secure because all sensitive information is
stored in the cloud and not on anyone’s personal computer. Talk to
your IT department about the best ways to set up your Executive,
yourself and other relevant members of your team with remote
desktop access.
Remote Communications Tools
In theory, you should always be able to reach your
executive via phone from anywhere in the world—but sometimes you