Page 21 - Leveraging Up eBook by Joanne Linden
P. 21


        It’s the first day of your new job or your new role. You prepare the

        perfect outfit; you place each hair in perfect order. Perhaps you take

        some extra time to apply your makeup flawlessly. You step into each
        shoe  with  purpose.  Quickly  you  tap  the  buttons,  and  the  coffee

        begins to percolate. You breathe in the aroma and think forward to

        your  day—how  you  will  carry  yourself,  making  certain  to  smile  at
        everyone, settling into your desk and approaching each task with


        Just as you envision your day and how to best set yourself up for
        success,  you  should  begin  having  some  “vision-casting”

        conversations with your Manager from day one. Prepare your own

        list of personal expectations that you must meet in order to fulfill your
        own personal goals, along with another list of how you want to meet

        specific goals within the company and some plan to get there. When

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