Page 16 - Demons & Dungeoneers! Dungeoneer's Survival Guide Cover
P. 16
Random Items Random Items
Items are everything that you Each item counts as 1 item. It
can carry with you. You have to doesn’t matter how big it is. If it
choose wisely for you cannot is a two handed hammer then it
carry an unlimited supply of is still one item.
them. You can only defend yourself
Sometimes you can find a satchel once when you have lost a
or backpack that allows you to battle. Therefore, it wouldn’t
carry more then 5 items. There make sense to keep two
are mules and horses and even defensive items unless a rust
followers who will help out in monster appears and devours
carrying additional items when one of them. You never know! It
you experience your quest. is rare, but it can happen.
In this quest that you have Therefore, the goal is to own the
accepted you have to value what best defensive item which would
is most important to keep and normally be armor.
what to drop if you are carrying A helmet you will need a 6 to
more then you can handle. safe a life after a lost battle.
For example: A steel dagger A shield a 5 or 6 and armor you
offers +1 strength. A steel
sword offers +2 strength. You can roll a 4, 5, or 6 to not lose a
will want to keep the sword and life point.
drop the dagger. Turn to page 18 to continue.
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