Page 42 - Demons & Dungeoneers! Dungeoneer's Survival Guide Cover
P. 42
This gameplay rule book was just
Boss Monsters created so you can get tips and a
little clearer understanding of
Sometimes boss monsters send how it works.
out protection to where you
would have to defeat them I thank you for downloading this
first before going to the next digital book and hope you will
event. This is a rare occasion, continue to purchase the
but if so, make sure to have gamebooks in the future.
enough life points to survive
the onslaught. It will allow
Boss monsters are not meant me to keep
to be easy to defeat, so if you writing and
lose the quest, you have making more
learned from it. Don’t give up, of them for
Try again and do better the you in the
next time with either the same future.
dungeoneer or a different one. Turn to page
Each gamebook on average 44 to see
takes around 30 to 40 minutes what books
to play, unless you take breaks are
in-between. They are meant to available so
be easy to understand and play far.
42 43