P. 6

After a long hiatus, offline classes resumed in a staggered and phased

                         manner and the whole school , regardless of the meticulous observance

                         of the conventions of the ‘new normal’ was agog with life and activity.

                         Welcoming the kids back to school was truly an emotional experience

                         for me and all of us- it was the new dawn that we had been waiting

                         for-celebrating Vidya ka parv with the tiny tots, the light of our campus and

                         our lives was a memorable experience- it was truly a carnival but again,

                         with all safety checks painstakingly in place. We are now filled with a new

                         vigour and vim to turn them into the creative capital of the world.

                         Our immediate focus is obviously the Board classes and we are leaving no

                         stone unturned in ensuring that our students excel and perform to the best

                         of their abilities.

                         Education has become transcendental in letter and spirit and is no longer

                         confined to the four walls of the classroom. We have implemented so many

                         new pedagogical techniques, made technology an integral part of education,

                         effectively linked education to life and sown the seeds of a multi- disciplinary

                         approach to education as delineated in the NEP. We are upgrading the

                         infrastructure and making new professionally relevant subjects like Legal

                         Studies available to students to give them a wider choice.
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