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We plan to harness the latent talents of our students and have planned
vocational courses in various subjects including music and the performing
arts. The FIITJEE classes have been running successfully. Our stress on Total
Quality Management in Education has been vindicated in the changed world
In this annual e-magazine, we have included the stellar achievements of
our prodigious students. They have the potential, passion and panache to
reach for their own individual skies and blaze a trail of their unique talents
in the world. As I always say, kids’ minds are a gold mine of ideas, a veritable
treasure trove of thoughts, emotions and perceptions. It is very important
to make education child centric and the write ups included in this magazine
enable us to explore the magical world of their minds and hearts.
This edition will show you that when the going gets tough, the tough get
going and the efflorescence of creativity has reinforced my faith that the
canvas of the future has no shade of pessimism or cynicism. But at the same
time, it is our duty to mould these pliable and impressionable minds in such
a way that that they become unprejudiced fountainheads of idealism and
crusaders against polarisation and divisiveness of any kind.