Page 62 - July 2020 Board Meeting Agenda_Neat
P. 62

2020 NMVTIS Law Enforcement Subcommittee / Goals & Action Items
        April - June 2020                           Highlighted Items are New this Quarter

        Goal 1 – Expand NMVTIS Awareness & Usage among Law Enforcement (continued)

         Action Item            Desired Outcome              Assigned To          Due By         Completed
         2C: Provide U.S.       Increase usage of NMVTIS     Chris, David, Paul   Ongoing
         government             LEAT and reduce vehicle
         investigators and      crimes by allowing access to
         analysts access to     all government investigators
         2D: Provide Canadian   Provide more vehicle crime   SC members           Ongoing        Feb, Service
         government             investigative resources to                                       Alberta, SIU,
         investigators and      Canadian government                                              sworn LE
         analysts access to     investigators.                                                   access given.
         LEAT                                                                                    June 2020
                                                                                                 information to
                                                                                                 RCMP Auto
                                                                                                 Theft Units in

         Action Item            Desired Outcome              Assigned To          Due By         Completed
         3: Publish NMVTIS      Increase awareness and       SC members           Ongoing        Ongoing –
         related articles and   usage of NMVTIS LEAT within                                      (Chris)
         blogs                  LE community                                                     providing
                                                                                                 LEAT Info in

         Action Item            Desired Outcome              Assigned To          Due By         Completed
         4: Update and provide  Provide investigative training   SC members       Ongoing        Jan 2020, (Les)
         NMVTIS LEAT training   to stakeholder groups,                                           ICE/DHS
         sessions,              teaching how to successfully                                     training, 30
         accompanying vehicle   utilize NMVTIS and other                                         attendees.
         crime investigative    vehicle crime investigative                                      Florida Motor
         training               resources                                                        Vehicle,
                                                                                                 Watercraft, &
                                                                                                 Cargo Theft
                                                                                                 Network, 68

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