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24 Drug Enforcement Administration, “Inside the DEA: Operations Pipeline and
               25 John Knowles, Nicola Persico, and Petra Todd, “Racial Bias in Motor
               Vehicle Searches: Theory and Evidence,” Journal of Political Economy 109, no.1 (2001).
               26 New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice, “Eradicating Racial Profiling,” attorney general
               27 Amnesty International, Excessive and Lethal Force? Amnesty International’s Concerns
               About Deaths and Ill-treatment Involving Police Use of Tasers, November 30, 2004.
               28 Bureau of Justice Statistics, “Indigent Defense,” selected findings, February
               29 Norman Seabrook, “Prison Violence on the Rise,” USA Today Magazine, September
               30 C. Struckman-Johnson, “Sexual Coercion Rates in Seven Midwestern Prison Facilities for
               Men,” Prison Journal 80, no. 4 (2000): 379–90.
               31 Robert Weisberg and David Mills, “Why No One Really Cares About Prison
               Violence,” Slate, October 1, 2003.
               32 Human Rights Watch, “Ill-Equipped: U.S. Prisons and Offenders with Mental Illness,”
               October 2003,
               33 LLC, “RICO in a
               34 See Gary J. Andres, “The Kelo Backlash,” Washington Times, August 29, 2005; John
               Harwood, “Poll Shows Division on Court Pick,” Wall Street Journal, July 15, 2005;
               Quinnipiac University, “Connecticut Voters Say 11–1 Stop Eminent Domain, Quinnipiac
               University Poll Finds; Saving Groton Sub Base Is High Priority,” news release, July 28,
               2005; Americans for Prosperity, “Public Opinion Poll on Eminent Domain,” February 2006.
               35 Senate Judiciary Committee, The Kelo Decision: Investigating Takings of Homes and
               other Private Property, 109th Cong., 1st sess., 2005.
               36 Property Rights Protection Act of 2005, HR 4128, 109th Cong., 2nd sess.; and Private
               Property Rights Protection Act of 2006, S 3873, 109th Cong., 2nd sess.
               37 Linda Greenhouse, “Justices Divided on Protections Over Wetlands,” New York Times,

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