Page 204 - كتاب تمريض نسا الاكتروني
P. 204
5) Disruption of maternal movement.
Abnormal FHR patterns:
1. Tachycardia (more than 160 beat/min):
a base line of fetal heart rate for at least 10 minutes. That is greater than 160 beat/min
for at least 10 minutes.
It's degree: - Mild ◊ 161 : 180 beat/minute - Sever ◊ 181 beat/minute.
Causes :- Fetal distress.
- Fetal anemia.
- Maternal anemia.
- Prematurity.
- Maternal fever.
- Maternal or fetal hyperthyroidism.
- Drugs as atropine and beta-sympathomimetic agents.
Management ;
According to causative factor.
- Antipyretic: to slow metabolism and decreased fever.
- Increasing oxygen to treat fetal hypoxia.
- Assess maternal temperature.
- Monitor for change of fetal heart rate pattern.
- Hydrate to improve circulating volume.
- Turn patient to left side.
- Reduce stressors (turn off oxytocin, treat maternal fever).
2-Bradycardia (less than 120 beat/minute):
base line fetal heart rate between 100:120 beat/minute.
- Fetal distress.
- Congenital fetal heart block.
- Beta – blockers given to the mother.
- Fetal head compression.
- Fetal hypoxia.
- Fetal acidosis.
- Fetal heart block.
- Umbilical cord compression.
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