Page 207 - كتاب تمريض نسا الاكتروني
P. 207


            - Check for cord prolapse.
            - Examine the cervix.
            - Check progress of dilation and descent.
            - Correct maternal hypotension increase intravenous fluids.

            - Continuous observation until delivery be prepared for emergency delivery.

           7-Sinusoidal pattern:
                it indicates fetal anemia as in case of ruptured vasa praevia, feto maternal haemorrhage,
               twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, and Rh-immunization.

               - Acute intra partum asphyxia.
                - Fetal maternal hemorrhage.
                - Chronic fetal anemia.

            -Continuous, careful, fetal assessment including direct ultrasound observation of fetal
           abnormalities or placental abnormalities.

           - Assessment for active fetal movement is important in assessing fetal status.
            - Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling under ultrasound guidance is a technique that
           permits fetal hemoglobin levels to be assessed.

           - Preparations for a possible emergent delivery should be initiated if intrauterine
           resuscitation is not appropriate.

            Method of electronic fetal monitoring

            I-External fetal monitoring
               1-  Bedside monitor unit
               2-  Two transducer or sensor (one sensor for FHR and the other one for uterine activity)

               3-  Paper strip
               4-  Belts to hold the sensors or transducer.
               5-  Ultra sound Gel.

            1) Hand washing

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