Page 2 - انجازاتى_Neat
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تزجمه عن طزيق ماجًك سكىول
Visual impairments refer to a range of conditions that affect a person's
ability to see clearly. These can include partial sight, where individuals
may have some vision but not enough to perform everyday tasks, and total
blindness, where there is no perception of light. Common causes of visual
impairments include refractive errors, cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related
macular degeneration. People with visual impairments may face challenges
in mobility, reading, and recognizing faces, which can impact their
independence and quality of life. However, with the right support, such as
assistive technologies and rehabilitation services, many individuals can
adapt and lead fulfilling lives ٍٝ لذسح اٌشخض ػٍٝ رإثش ػٟػخ ِٓ اٌسبلاد اٌزّٛ ِدٌٝخ ئ٠ش الإػبلبد اٌجظش١ رش.
،خ١ِٛ١ٌبَ اٌّٙ لأداء اٟىف٠ ظ ثّب١ٌ ٌٓىٚ خ٠ الأفشاد ثؼغ اٌشؤْٜ ٌذٛى٠ ث لذ١ ز،خ١خ اٌدضئ٠ّىٓ أْ رشًّ ٘زٖ اٌسبلاد اٌشؤ٠ .ذٛػٛخ ث٠اٌشؤ
اٌزٕىظٚ ،اٌضسقٚ ،ٓ١ئػزبَ ػذعخ اٌؼٚ ،خ٠خ الأخـبء الأىغبس٠ رشًّ الأعجبة اٌشبئؼخ ٌلإػبلبد اٌجظش.ءٛخذ ئدسان ٌٍؼٛ٠ ث لا١ ز،َ اٌزبّٝاٌؼٚ
ٍٝإثش ػ٠ ّْىٓ أ٠ ِّب،ٖٛخٌٛ اٍٝاٌزؼشف ػٚ ،اٌمشاءحٚ ،ً اٌزٕمٟبد ف٠خ رسذ٠ الإػبلبد اٌجظشٚٚاخٗ الأشخبص رٛ٠ لذ. اٌّشرجؾ ثبٌؼّشٟاٌجمؼ
بح١ش ز١ػٚ ف١ذ ِٓ الأفشاد اٌزى٠ّىٓ ٌٍؼذ٠ ،ً١٘خذِبد ئػبدح اٌزأٚ بد اٌّغبػذح١ٕ ِثً اٌزم، ِغ اٌذػُ إٌّبعت،ِغ رٌهٚ .ُٙبر١دح زٛخٚ ُٙز١ٌاعزملا
ئخ ثبلإٔدبصاد١ٍِ.
اختبار من متعدد بالماجًك اسكىل
حمييم حٌل انطالت انكيربائيت ًانمٌاد انمٌصهت ًانعازنت
1. ما ىي انمادة انخي حسمح نهطالت انكيربائيت بانمرًر من خلانيا؟
a. اٌخشت
b. إٌسبط
c. ه١اٌجلاعز
d. اٌضخبج