Page 8 - Learning Grammar for Eight Grade Students
P. 8

Singular and Plural of Subject and Verb

            When studying tenses, you
                                                                   In fact, what is included in the
        will meet the terms first person
                                                                   first person, second person,
        singular/plural, second person,
                                                                            and third person?
       and third person singular/plural.

               First-Person                       I                         She                  You

                  Singular                                            He                I               We

               First-Person                                         It                                     They

                    Plural                      We

            Second-Person                       You

              Third-Person                  She, He,

                  Singular                        It

                                                                       On page 45, you can see further
              Third-Person                                                information about pronouns.

                    Plural                     They


                      For the third-person singular (she, he, it), you should

                                          add '-s or -es' with the verb.

                                                                                                       Unit 1
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