Page 11 - Pricelist-2020
P. 11
Mpumpu - APPROVED.pdf 1 7/1/19 11:16 AM
25-723-9 5a Ant’s Clay Castle Stanley Gazemba 165.00
25-724-6 5b Kidasi and Aloli M. Lewela 165.00 5d 2a
25-725-3 5c The Sunday School Project Egara Kabaji 165.00
5a - Ant’s Clay Castle - Stanley Gazemba
5b - Kidasi and Aloli - Masera Lewela
25-726-0 5d Mpumpu and the Stolen Bicycle Lex Ikon 165.00
5c - The Sunday School Project - Egara Kabaji
5d - Mpumpu and the Stolen Bicycle - Lex Ikon
5e - Who am I? The Story of Barrack Obama - P. Andrews
5f - Tandi and the Witch Hunt - Wilfred Kesh
25-727-7 5e Who Am I? The story of Barack Obama Phyllis Andrews 165.00
5g - Atiya Learns a Lesson - Frank Odoi
5h - Uncle Sese - Egara Kabaji
5i - Grandma’s Secrets and Other Poems - N. Mpesha
25-728-4 5f Tandi and the Witch hunt Wilfred G. Kesh 165.00
25-729-1 5g Atiya Frank Odoi 165.00
25-730-7 5h Uncle Sese Egara Kabaji 165.00
East African
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East African Educational Publishers
25-731-4 5i Grandma’s Secrets and other poems Nyambura Mpesha 165.00 Lex Ikon
Little Janabi and other stories.pdf 1 5/18/16 3:12 PM
25-849-6 6a Friends in Deed and other Stories Chrispin Ogolla 240.00
25-848-9 6b Little Janabi and other Stories Chrispin Ogolla 240.00
The Sunrise Reading Scheme Series is designed to
25-727-7 6c The School Trip and other Stories Joe Kiarie reading needs of pupils in primary school. Wide and
encourage reading for pleasure as well as to satisfy the
repeated reading of books in this series should help the
pupils to improve both their written and spoken English.
25-849-6 6d The Monkey Trip and other Stories Chrispin Ogolla The readers contain interesting stories with moral lessons.
They have been creatively written to provoke the pupils‛
thinking. The language patterns, sentence structures,
vocabularies used and the contemporary themes handled in
the stories are in line with the current syllabus
25-846-5 6e The Making of a Film Star Egara Kabaji requirements.
25-850-2 6f The Shocking Image and other Stories Joe Kiarie 240.00
25-852-6 6g Beka’s Misfortunes and other Stories Chrispin Ogolla 240.00
25-845-8 6h Beautiful Games, Inspiring Heroes Augustus Nyakundi 240.00 Chrispin Ogolla
25-844-1 6i Aunt Callotta Rebecca Nandwa 240.00
My PICTURE BOOK (2).pdf 1 10/17/14 4:45 PM
STIMA SERIES My Picture Book My Picture Book
Stima Series
to Class 2
Stima Series is a Reading Scheme for Primary Schools. The
series introduces the concept of electricity to the young readers
using pictures and interesting stories. The books are presented James Ngomeli
in an easy-to-read format. They include attractive illustrations
that make the books very enjoyable to read.
This series is made up of four books:
• My Picture Book – Introduces items associated with
ISBN TITLE AUTHOR PRICE – Explains the uses of electricity in our
electricity to the young readers. My Picture Book is
meant for children at the Pre-unit level up to Class 2.
Mr Kilowat
homes. This storybook is meant for children at Classes
3 and 4.
25 927 1 My Picture Book James Ngomeli 180.00
A Visit to the Power Station – Explains how electricity
is produced and transmitted to the users. This storybook
is meant for children at Classes 5 and 6.
• The Cat’s Tail – Discusses the benefits of electricity as
well as the dangers associated with it. This storybook is
25 926 4 Mr Kilowat James Ngomeli 180.00
meant for children at Classes 7 and 8.
The readers will not only enjoy these books but will also learn a
lot about electricity.
25 926 6 A Visit to the Power Station James Ngomeli 200.00 Cover Design: Nicholas Wachira
25 929 5 The Cat’s Tail James Ngomeli 200.00 East African
Publishers Ltd
Nairobi • Kampala • Dar es Salaam • Kigali • Lilongwe• Lusaka
Sunbird Readers are just like the experience the sunbird gets from flower nectar, simply sweet! Sunbird Readers have been specifically
designed to encourage reading for pleasure and to meet the supplementary reading needs of children between the
ages of four and seven years. Wide and repeated reading of books in this series should help to automatically improve
the learner’s written as well as spoken English.
46-945-1 Big Eat Them Shadrack Gutto 175.00
46-671-1 Cat, Dog and Dove Maida Makotsi 160.00
46-613-4 Hare and Her Lazy Friends Anderea Morara 170.00
25-170-7 Toko and the Lost Kittens Stephen Alumenda 220.00
25-169-3 The Donkey who Wanted to be a Lion Rose Kilimo 220.00
Toko cover and the Injured Dove cover.pdf 1 11/26/18 2:40 PM
46-387-9 The Flute Chinua Achebe 200.00
46-496-4 The Cunning Tortoise Pamela Kola 170.00
Just like the sunbird sucks nectar from flowers, so will
children find sweetness in these stories.
Sunbird Readers have been specifically designed to
encourage reading for pleasure and to meet the
supplementary reading needs of children between the age
46-560-X The Lion and the Mouse Christine Kasonde 170.00 Reader For class 2 & 3
of four and seven years. Wide and repeated reading of
books in this series should help to automaticalley improve
the pupil’s written as well as spoken English.
When Kosi and Meso lose a dove they had trapped,
46-873-0 Toko and the Dog with One Ear Stephen Alumenda C M Y CM MY 170.00
should Toko tell them what she knows about it or should
she keep it a secret? Read this story to find out.
25-423-4 Toko and the Drug Dealers Stephen Alumenda 235.00
46-955-9 Toko and the Injured Dove Stephen Alumenda 170.00
46-555-3 Why the Cat Lives with People Margaret Okello 170.00 East African Educational Publishers
Educate • Enlighten • Empower
East African Educational Publishers
Nairobi • Kampala • Dar es Salaam • Kigali • Lusaka • Lilongwe
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