Page 13 - Pricelist-2020
P. 13


                                                                                sundiata.pdf   1   12/29/12   2:35 PM
          46-616-9     Moses in a Mess                          Barbara Kimenye     215.00
          46-837-X     Mountain of Bones                        Meja Mwangi         215.00
          46-715-7     More Stories from Uganda                 James Appe          180.00
          25-420-X     Mworia the Warrior                       Njoroge Konye       255.00
          46-306-2     Njamba Nene and the Flying Bus           Ngugi wa Thiong’o  C M Y  215.00
          46-305-4     Njamba Nene’s Pistol                     Ngugi wa Thiong’o  CM MY CY CMY K  215.00
          46-544-8     Ogilo and the Hippo                      Asenath Odaga       215.00
          46-582-0     One Day Long Ago                         Charles Mungoshi    215.00
          25-231-2     Shida the Street Boy                     Ruth Makotsi        270.00
          46-904-4     Stories from a Shona Childhood           Charles Mungoshi    215.00
          46-725-4     Shaka Zulu (Play)                        Jonti Marks     Shida the street boy cover.pdf   1   06/03/2019   5:54 PM
          46-920-6     Stories My Mother Told Me                R. Adedeji          215.00
          46-006-9     Stories From Yorubaland                  Kemi Morgan      The  Junior Readers Series has been specifically designed to
                                                                                 encourage reading for pleasure and  to satisfy  the
                                                                                 supplementary reading needs of children in Upper Primary
          25-108-1     Stories from the Gambia                  Sally Singhateh  School. Wide and repeated reading of books in the Series   READER FOR CLASS 6 AND 7
                                                                                                     READER FOR CLASS 6 AND 7
                                                                                 should help improve both their written and spoken English
          25-108-1     Stories from Uganda                      James Appe       This is a captivating story of Shida Kazuri, a destitute boy,
                                                                                 who struggles against all odds to survive in the streets of
                                                                                 Nairobi. His determination to get education attracts the
          25-468-4     Sundiata                                 Lynne Mansure    attention of well-wishers. Find out whether Shida succeeds in
                                                                                 getting out of street life.
          46-850-1     Tales of the Secret Valley               Tim Matthews       Cover and text illustrations by Dorothy Migadde
          25-161-8     The Hero and the Dream                   Leteipa ole Sunkuli  220.00
          46-576-6     The Poor Child                           David Maillu        215.00
          46-510-3     The Calabash Child                       Diana Pitcher       East African  Educational  Publishers 215.00
          46-588-8     The Priceless Gift                       David Maillu     Nairobi • Kampala  • Dar es Salaam • Kigali • Lusaka • Lilongwe
                                                                                   Educate • Enlighten • Empower
                                                                                  East African Educational Publishers
          46-570-7     The Singing Dog                          Gcina Mhlophe   Scoop cover.pdf   1   3/12/19   4:59 PM 215.00
          46-794-7     The Motherless Baby                      Cyprian Ekwensi     215.00                  Jr
          46-412-3     The Drummer Boy                          Cyprian Ekwensi     215.00        The Scoop  15
                                                                                    The Scoop
          46-460-3     The Scoop                                Barbara Kimenye     Barbara Kimenye  Barbara Kimenye
          46-711-4     The Great Elephant Bird                  Cyprian Ekwensi  The Junior Readers Series is designed to encourage reading for
                                                                                 pleasure and to meet the supplementary reading needs of
                                                                                 upper primary school Children. Wide and repeated reading of
                                                                                 books  in  the  series  should  enable  pupils
                                                                                    215.00 to  automatically
          46-699-1     The Boa Suitor                           Cyprian Ekwensi  improve their written as well as spoken English.
                                                                                 Peter never saw what happened to Kosoro, for a hefty punch on the
                                                                                 chin sent him reeling and he fell back against the wooden box.
          46-484-0     The Gemstone Affair                      Barbara Kimenye  The kidnapping of a rich Thika businessman’s daugher at the Lenana
                                                                                 Club means a ‘scoop’ for standard journalist Kosoro. But has Grace
                                                                                 Ndungu really been kidnapped?…and how can a newspaper boy,
                                                                                 Peter, help his friend Kosoro?
          46-848-X     The Boys in Kakamega                     Jimmi Makotsi       215.00
          46-429-8     The Leper and the Princess               Tahiru Mahama       215.00
          46-897-8     The Three Hunters                        G. Z. O. Nyotumba  Nairobi • Kampala  • Dar es Salaam • Kigali • Lusaka • Lilongwe  9 7 8 9 9 6 6 4 6 4 6 0 6
                                                                                    East African
                                                                                  Educate • Enlighten • Empower
                                                                                 East African Educational Publishers
          46-713-0     The Fearless Four                        Dan Fulani          215.00            READER FOR CLASS 6 AND 7
          46-587-1     The Fearless Four Hijack!                Dan Fulani     I Blame the Sky Cover.pdf   1   2/23/17   2:46 PM
          25-421-8     The Magical Bird of Navuhi               Egara Kabaji        220.00
          46-914-1     The Smugglers                            Barbara Kimenye     215.00
          25-6164      Toby’s Diary                             Ebenezer Tabot-Tabot  225.00
          46-658-4     When Ogres Lived                         Barrack O. Muluka   215.00
          46-986-9     Yasin in Trouble                         Martha Mvungi       215.00
          25-824-2     I blame the sky (Jomo Kenyatta Prize award winner)  Kap Kirwok   195.00
          56-034-6     Tales from the Amazon                    Samuel Wachira      250.00
          56-027-8     Okumu and his Magical Drum               Milton Allimadi     250.00
          56-528-1     The Journey                              Muchiri Murango     230.00
          56-035-3     Under the Fig Tree                       Kekelwa Nyaywa-D    215.00
                                                                              Okumu and His Magical Drum COVERx.pdf   1   8/24/15   1:11 PM
                                                                                               Okumu and His
          –            The Lamplighters                  Nyaruai Mwangi        Okumu and His    Magical Drum
                                                                                Magical Drum
          56-032-2     Truth Glows                       Masera Lewela          The Junior Readers Series has been speci cally designed   Class
                                                                                to encourage reading for pleasure and to satisfy the
                                                                                supplementary reading needs of children in Upper
          56-028-5     Storm in a Tea Cup                Laban Erapu            the Series should help improve both their written and
                                                                                Primary School. Wide and repeated reading of books in
                                                                                spoken English automatically.
          56-024-9     Close Shave                       Mirriam Musonye        Okumu is a very clever boy in class. However, his
                                                                                abnormally big head causes him jeers from his fellow
                                                                                pupils. This makes him to always be sad. A strange
                                                                                short man gives him a magical drum which changes
                                                                                his life and those of other people.  Okumu and His
          56-030-8     The Long Arm of the Law           Mbugua Ng’ang’a          Cover Design: Hudson Kubasu
                                                                                Magical Drum tells us how.
          –            A Trip to the Dam                 Laban Erapu
          56-027-8     The Flash Floods                  Joe Kiarie            Nairobi •  Kampala • Dar es Salaam • Kigali • Lusaka • Lilongwe  Milton Allimadi
          56-029-2     Sunrise in Entarara               Joe Kiarie
          56-025-4     Deadly Games                      Joe Kiarie
                                                                               Pathfinders  are  refreshingly  exciting  readers  that
                                                                               entertain and enlighten. They have been deliberately written
                                                                               and designed to encourage wide reading of creative works.
           POETRY                                                              elaborate study of literature.
                                                                               Reading the stories should form a firm foundation for more
                                                                               Tender  Memories  is  an  entertaining  and  thought-provoking
                                                                               collection of poems and short stories that embrace the theme
                                                                               of growing up. Most of the stories have been told from the point
                                                                               of  view  of  the  child  persona. The  reader  will  find  the  stories
                                                                               painfully refreshing and illuminating.
           ISBN     TITLE                               AUTHOR                 PRICE
          46-506-5  Tender Memories: Poems & Short Stories  Luvai, Kabira & Muluka (Ed.)  360.00  Edited by A. Luvai, W. Kabira & B. Muluka
          46-916-8  Sing Me a Song: Poems for Primary School  Leteipa ole Sunkuli (Ed.)  215.00
                                                                                 East African
                                                                                Educate š Enlighted š Empower Publishers
                                                                              East African Educational Publishers
                                                                              KigBMJ t /BJSPCJ t KBNQBMB t %BS FT 4BMBBN t -VTBLB t -JMPOHXF  Educate š Enlighted š Empower East African  Educational  Publishers
          14                 The Peak in Publishing
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