Page 18 - Pricelist-2020
P. 18


                          SECONDARY SCHOOL SECTION


           ISBN              TITLE                                      AUTHOR                        PRICE
          25-309-2           Johari ya Kiswahili Kidato cha 3 PB        C. Mumbo & F. Ngamia          430.00
          25-310-6           Johari ya Kiswahili Kidato cha 3 TG        C. Mumbo & F. Ngamia          255.00


           ISBN            TITLE                                   AUTHOR             PRICE
          25-214-2         Together in Christ Form 1 PB            Lavera Levi        365.00
          25-225-8         Together in Christ Form 1 TG            Lavera Levi        250.00
          25-270-3         Together in Christ Form 2 PB            Lavera Levi        300.00
          25-271-1         Together in Christ Form 2 TG            Lavera Levi        195.00
          25-321-1         Together in Christ Form 3 PB            Lavera Levi        320.00
          25-322-X         Together in Christ Form 3 TG            Lavera Levi        195.00


           ISBN        TITLE                                      AUTHOR               PRICE
          25-317-3     Certificate Chemistry Form 3 PB            Mary Ademba          465.00
          25-318-1     Certificate Chemistry  Form 3 TG           Mary Ademba          210.00
          25-319-X     School Certificate Chemistry Form 3 PB     N. Twoli & D. Mungai  455.00
          25-320-3     School Certificate Chemistry Form 3 TG     Henry M. Mwangi      210.00
          25-381-5     Certificate Chemistry Form 4 PB            Mary Ademba          545.00
          25-382-3     Certificate Chemistry Form 4 TG            Mary Ademba          595.00

           ISBN         CODE          TITLE                                   AUTHOR                PRICE
          25-206-1      150351        Certificate Physics Form 1 PB           M. Waititu et al      465.00
          25-261-6      150809        Certificate Physics Form 1 TG           M. Waititu et al      305.00
          25-260-6      150352-R      Certificate Physics Form 2 PB           M. Waititu et al      465.00
          25-217-7      150810        Certificate Physics Form 2 TG           M. Waititu et al      210.00


           ISBN            TITLE                                           AUTHOR                   PRICE
          25-282-7         Foundations of Computer Studies 1 PB            Crowther Pepela          530.00
          25-283-5         Foundations of Computer Studies 1 TG            Crowther Pepela          295.00


                                                                              FRENCH 3PB COVER.pdf   1   14/11/2019   12:11 PM
          ISBN            TITLE                                       AUTHOR       3  PRICE
          25-202-9        Entre Copains Form 1 PB – Revised           J. Shihemi et al   575.00  ENTRE       3
                                                                              Entre Copains 3 is the third French course book for secondary schools in a
                                                                              series of four, based on a modern approach to the learning of French as a
                                                                              foreign language.
          25-203-7        Entre Copains Form 1 TG                     J. Shihemi et al  340.00  ENTRE COPAINS  Learner’s
                                                                              Books in this series are written to make French learning easy by infusing
                                                                              emerging issues, such as modern trends in technology, economlc issues and
                                                                              environmental conservation. The series emphasizes the acquisition of the four
                                                                              basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. These skills have
                                                                              been tackled in a well-coordinated approach in the books. This is through the   A French Course Book for
                                                                                               Secondary Schools
                                                                              systematic build up of grammar, vocabulary,  xed linguistic expressions and
          25-268-1        Entre Copains Form 2 PB – Revised           J. Shihemi et al    640.00
                                                                              certain aspects of culture to help the learner build some fairly good command
                                                                              of the French language. Audio cassettes accompany books in the series.
                                                                              The authors of books in this series have taught French in Kenyan secondary
                                                                            C  schools for many years. Their experiences in classroom work are merged in the   Revised
                                                                              writing of books in the series and it is hoped that French learners will  nd them   Learner’s Book  Edition
          25-269-X        Entre Copains Form 2 TG                     J. Shihemi et al    450.00
                                                                              extremely useful.
                                                                              Entre Copains 3 est le troisième dans une série de quatre manuels destinés à
                                                                              Avec ces livres l’apprentissage est rendu très facile et signi catif. L'accent est
                                                                           CMY CY K  l’apprentissage de la langue française dans les écoles secondaires au Kenya.
          25-311-4        Entre Copains Form 3 PB – revised           J. Shihemi et al   730.00
                                                                              mis sur l'acquisition progressive des quatre compétences nécessaire pour la
                                                                              maîtrise d'une langue étrangère, c'est à dire, l'expression orale, l'expression
                                                                              écrite, la compréhension orale et la compréhension écrite. Plusieurs textes
                                                                              pour informer et épanouir le savoir culture de l'apprenant sont proposés. Une
                                                                              cassette audio accompagne chaque manuel.
          25-312-2        Entre Copains Form 3 TG                     J. Shihemi et al    580.00  Joy Shihemi  •  James Odhiambo
                                                                              Les auteurs sont les professeurs de français de longue date dans les lycées
                                                                              Kenyans. II est souhaité que ces livres vous seront très utiles.
          25-397-1        Entre Copains: Form 4 PB                    J. Shihemi et al   650.00
                                                                                 East African
                                                                                Educate • Enlighten • Empower
          25-398-X        Entre Copains Form 4 TG                     J. Shihemi et al   695.00  EAEP  Joy Shihemi
                                                                               East African Educational Publishers
                                                                              Nairobi • Kampala  • Dar es Salaam • Kigali • Lusaka • Lilongwe
                                                                                                  James Odhiambo
                                                                      The Peak in Publishing               19
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