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                                                                                  Stillborn FINAL Cover.pdf   1   6/4/14   1:33 PM
          46-599-5   My Heart on Trial                 F. Genga Idowu             415.00           Stillborn
          46-899-4   Never Say Die                     Wanyiri Kihoro             560.00                Diekoye Oyeyinka
                                                                                  Narrated from the point of view of Seun, an orphan from the
                                                                                  Niger Delta,  Stillborn  is not only a  tale of turmoil  and
                                                                                  tragedy; desperation and despair; but also one of optimism
                                                                                  and opportunity. It revolves around the lives of five
                                                                                  characters: Seun, his mother Ranti, herself a girl of limited   Stillborn
          46-005-5   Not Yet Uhuru                     Oginga Odinga              640.00
                                                                                  privilege; Seun’s lover, Aisha, a refugee from the religious
                                                                                  clashes in the North; and Emeka from the South-east, a war
                                                                                  deserter who becomes an unlikely hero. Their lives
                                                                                  intersect in the residence of Dolapo, a civil rights lawyer
                                                                                  from the South-west. And the five lives come together to
                                                                                  paint a vivid picture of Nigeria since its infancy fifty years
          46-908-7   Of Man and Lion                   Beautrice Erlwanger      C M  350.00
                                                                                  ago, meandering into the complexity of the lives and
                                                                                  communities of present-day Nigeria. In the end,  Stillborn
                                                                                  traverses the various political epochs that have shaped
                                                                                  Nigeria, and by extension, Africa in general, right from the
                                                                                Y CM  pre-independence period and through the fears,
                                                                                  frustrations, hopes and dreams that have characterized this
          46-170-1   Origin of Life and Death          Ulli Beier (Ed.)         MY CY  315.00
                                                                                  fragile continent.
                                                                                  Diekoye Oyeyinka has had a rich growing up experience as
                                                                                CMY K  he has lived in three continents. He spent his first fifteen   Diekoye Oyeyinka
                                                                                  years in Nigeria, and the next ten years between Europe
          25-044-1   Return to Paradise                Yusuf Dawood               485.00
                                                                                  and the USA. He obtained his first degree in Economics
                                                                                  from Georgetown University, Washington DC in 2009.
                                                                                  Thereafter he undertook a six-month internship programme
                                                                                  at the United Nations ILO in Ethiopia, before studying for a
                                                                                  Masters degree in Urbanization and Development at the
                                                                                  London School of Economics. He is currently an assistant
          25-969-1   Stillborn                         Diekoye Oyeyinka           540.00
                                                                                  brand manager with Nigeria Breweries.
                                                                                     Cover design: Nicholas Wachira
                                                                                     Cover artwork: Osaretin Ugiagbe
          46-478-0   Sunset in Africa:  Childhood Memories  Peter M. Nyarango     355.00
          25-594-5   The Lone Dancer                   Joe Kiarie                 350.00         EAEP
                                                                                   Of Man and Lion cover.pdf   1   11/03/2019   15:37
          46-680-0   The Herdsman’s Daughter           Bernard Chahilu            485.00
          25-804-5   The high flier and other stories   Jairus Omuteche           400.00 Of  Man   Of  Man
                                                                                        and Lion
          25-066-2   The Missing Links                 Tobias Otieno              540.00               and Lion
          25-151-0   The Moon Also Sets                Osi Ogbu                   640.00         Of Man and Lion
                                                                                    Of Man and Lion is a breath-taking collection of
                                                                                    stories on chilly encounters between man and lion
                                                                                    somewhere in the heart of Africa. Beatrice
                                                                                    Erlwanger uses the motif of the lion to insightfully
          46-780-7   The Trouble with Nigeria          Chinua Achebe              200.00
                                                                                    examine a range of social con icts and problems in
                                                                                    ‘man and woman’ relationships leaving the reader
                                                                                    both enthralled and refreshed.
          25-557-5   The Travail of Dieudonne          Francis Nyamnjoh           530.00         Beatrice Erlwanger
          46-352-6   The Wrath of Koma                 Maurice Mumba              350.00
          46-748-3   Without a Conscience              Barbara Baumann            360.00
          56-435-1   The Reunion                       Kekelwa Nyaywa             485.00 East African  Educational  Publishers  Beatrice Erlwanger
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                                                                                    East African Educational Publishers
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          FORTHCOMING  TITLE                                                       The Reunion.pdf   1   10/01/2020   15:09
                     The curse of Somaal               Paul Mwangi                    Reunion         Reunion
                                                                                   The Class Reunion is a few days away. Felize is torn between
                                                                                   skipping and attending the event. After a lot of tough talk
                                                                                   from her cousin, Bupilo, she makes up her mind. She   The
          AFRICAN CLASSICS                                                         her to the event. Just when the  oor has been opened for   Reunion
                                                                                   attends the Reunion but a dark cloud from her past stalks
                                                                                   the old girls to share their post-Chipembi experiences,
                                                                                   Felize is overcome by emotions and she storms out on the
                                                                                   verge of tears.
                                                                                   This is a story that will teach the young how consequential
                                                                                   the choices they make in life are.
                                                                                   Kekelwa Nyaywa was born in Zambia.  She has a B.A Degree
                                                                                   from the University of London (UK) and a Master's Degree in
                                                                                   Social Science from Florida State University (USA).  She is
                                                                                   the  author  of  Under the Fig Tree (2016);  Beacon of Light
           ISBN         TITLE                           AUTHOR                     PRICE        Kwekelwa Nyaywa
                                                                                   (2013); Grandma Mama (short story, 2012); The Small Bridge
                                                                                   (2002); The Plague at My Door (1996); Hearthstones (1995).
                                                                                   Hearthstones, was nominated for  the  1997  Dublin
                                                                                   International (IMPAC) Literary Award.
          25-418-8      A Farm Called Kishinev (Award Winner)  Marjorie O. Macgoye  480.00
          46-007-1      A Grain of Wheat                Ngugi wa Thiong’o          500.00
                                                                                     East African
                                                                                    Educate • Enlighten • Empower  EAEP  Kekelwa Nyaywa
                                                                                   East African Educational Publishers
          46-804-8      A Man of the People             Chinua Achebe              405.00       Educate • Enlighten • Empower East African  Educational  Publishers  Peak Library
                                                                                  Nairobi • Kampala  • Dar es Salaam • Kigali • Lusaka • Lilongwe
          46-375-5      Anthills of the Savannah        Chinua Achebe            A grain of wheat (African Classics Series).pdf   1   10/30/18   4:06 PM
          46-792-0      Arrow of God                    Chinua Achebe             A Grain of
          46-040-3      Carcase for Hounds              Meja Mwangi               NGUGI  WA THIONG’O is undoubtedly Kenya’s most proli c  writer.   Ngøgð wa Thiong’o
                                                                                  From the time he launched himself as a pioneer African writer with
                                                                                  Weep Not, Child (1964), there was no stopping Ngugi. Weep Not, Child
                                                                                  was quickly followed  up by The River Between (1965) and A Grain of
                                                                                  Wheat (1967), both of which con rmed Ngugi as a writer of great   A Grain of Wheat  A Grain of
          46-993-1      Chira                           Marjorie O. Macgoye       pre-publication staging of the Gikuyu version of I Will Marry When I
                                                                                  ambition. The  publication  of  Petals of Blood (1977) and the
                                                                                  Want (a play), swiftly led to his detention without trial by Kenya’s
                                                                                  authorities.  After detention, Ngugi issued  Caaitani Mutharaba-ini,
                                                                                  (Devil on the Cross —1982) and Matigari ma Njirungi (1986), a novel in
                                                                                  Gikuyu.  Ngugi is also a renowned playwright which such works as The   Wheat
                                                                                  Black Hermit (1968) and The Trial of Dedan Kimathi (1976), co-authored
                                                                                  with Micere Githae Mugo. Besides novels and plays, he has also written
          46-270-8      Coming to Birth                 Marjorie O. Macgoye    C M  volumes of essays and has published an anthology of short stories —
                                                                                  Secret Lives (1963). All Ngugi’s novels are published in the Peak Library.
                                                                                  “A Grain of Wheat  is about Kenya on the verge of independence. Africans
                                                                               CM  and Europeans alike pause, in the lull between the  ghting and the new
          46-168-X      Devil on the Cross              Ngugi wa Thiong’o      MY CY CMY  and  nd them dubious, and their achievements, which often amount to
                                                                                  world, to see what they have gained and lost. They examine their motives,
                                                                                  very little. Mr. Ngugi writes well and has a real talent for portraying the
                                                                                  African background.”
                                                                               K           Western Mail  Harshi Syal Gill • Parvin D. Syal
          46-869-2      Emperor Shaka the Great         Mazisi Kunene             “With Mr. Ngugi…history is living tissue. He writes with poise and from   Ngøgð wa Thiong’o
                                                                                  deep reserve, and the book adds cubits to his already considerable stature.”
                                                                                           The Guardian
          46-077-2      Going Down River Road           Meja Mwangi               “It is a compelling book that is clearly much more than just a novel.” The Guardian

          46-547-2      Homing In                       Marjorie O. Macgoye        430.00
                                                                                     East African
                                                                                    Educate • Enlighten • Empower
                                                                                   East African Educational Publishers
                                                                                  Nairobi • Kampala  • Dar es Salaam • Kigali • Lusaka • Lilongwe  Educate • Enlighten • Empower Publishers Educational  East African
          46-169-8      Horn of My Love                 Okot P’Bitek               385.00
                                                                                    The Great Ponds (Classics).pdf   1   7/3/19   11:50 AM
          46-033-0      Kill Me Quick                   Meja Mwangi                450.00
          46-588-X      Land Without Thunder            Grace Ogot                 530.00         Elechi Amadi
                                                                                     The Great Ponds
                                                                                     An Ikwerre Igbo, Elechi Amadi was born in Aluu, Nigeria. He was
                                                                                     educated at the elite Government College, Umuahia, and at the   Elechi Amadi
                                                                                     University College, Ibadan. After working brie y as a secondary
          46-578-2      Matigari Eng Ed.                Ngugi wa Thiong’o          430.00          The Great
                                                                                     school teacher, he was commissioned into the Nigerian army and
                                                                                     remained at the Nigerian Defense Academy in Kaduna until his
                                                                                     voluntary retirement and return to the teaching profession on
                                                                                     the eve of the Nigerian civil war in 1965. His unpleasant
                                                                                     encounters with the Biafran authorities are recorded in Sunset in
                                                                                     Biafra (1973). Amadi's portrait of Nigerian society in his  rst
          46-356-9      Mau Mau Author in Detention     Gakaara wa Wanjau          495.00          Ponds
                                                                                     post-civil war novel,  Estrangement (1986), vividly evokes the
                                                                                     image of the total destruction of time-honoured individual and
                                                                                     community  bonds in the pre-war  society. Amadi now lives in
                                                                                     retirement near Port Harcourt, the setting of his  rst novels The
                                                                                     Concubine (1966), The Great Ponds (1969) and The Slave (1978)
                                                                                     in which Igbo cultural ambience remains unmistakable.
          46-900-1      Mine Boy                        Peter Abrahams             425.00        The Great ponds
                                                                                     The Great Ponds is about a ruinous feud between the two
                                                                                     villages of Chiolu and Aliakoro. For years, the village of Chiolu
                                                                                     had  shed in the ponds of Wagaba (alluded to in the book title)
                                                                                     without hindrance. However, when the neighbouring village of
                                                                                     Aliakoro starts to encroach on the pond, war breaks out between
                                                                                     the two villages, as the people of Chiolu seek to protect their
                                                                                     ownership of the ponds. The story traces its way back to  the
          56-359-0      Mission to Kala                 Mongo Beti                 520.00       Harshi Syal Gill • Parvin D. Syal
                                                                                     pre-colonial era, a time when Africans believed in the power of
                                                                                     magic and supernatural healing possessed by the traditional
                                                                                     healers (dibias, as used in the book) and divine intervention to
                                                                                     appease the gods.
          46-772-6      No Easy Walk to Freedom         Nelson Mandela             640.00
          46-000-4      No Longer at Ease               Chinua Achebe              530.00 East African  Educational  Publishers
                                                                                      Educate • Enlighten • Empower
                                                                                     East African Educational Publishers
                                                                                     Nairobi • Kampala  • Dar es Salaam • Kigali • Lusaka • Lilongwe
          46-094-2      Petals of Blood                 Ngugi wa Thiong’o          650.00
          46-917-6      Secret Lives                    Ngugi wa Thiong’o          455.00
                                                                                   white teeth cover.pdf   1   8/20/19   6:25 PM
          46-362-3      Street Life                     Marjorie O. Macgoye        345.00
                                                                                    White Teeth
          46-855-2      Striving for the Wind           Meja Mwangi                510.00          Okot p’Bitek
                                                                                     The late OKOT p’BITEK  was born in 1931 in  Gulu,
                                                                                     northern Uganda. He was educated at Gulu High School
                                                                                     and King’s College, Budo. He then went to Bristol,   Okot p’Bitek
          25-065-4      Takadini                        Ben Hanson                   diverse talents: he taught at Makerere (where he was   White Teeth
                                                                                     Aberystwyth and Oxford Universities. He was a man of
                                                                                     Professor of Creative Arts), Nairobi and Ife Universities;
                                                                                     he played football for Uganda, and he composed opera.
                                                                                     He  was  Director
                                                                                   385.00 of  Uganda’s  National  Theatre  and
                                                                                     started arts festivals in Gulu and Kisumu (Kenya). He
                                                                                     died in 1982.
          25-613-3      The African Child               Camara Laye                475.00
                                                                                     Okot is particularly well known for his outstanding
                                                                                     contribution to modern African literature through his
                                                                                     poetry –  Song of Lawino, Song of Ocol, Two Songs and
                                                                                     Horn of My Love (all published in E.A.E.P.’s Poets of Africa
          25-554-9      The Big Chiefs                  Meja Mwangi                530.00       White Teeth
                                                                                     series) – which was principally based on traditional oral
                                                                                     literature. White Teeth is his only novel.
                                                                                     “Okot demostrates ... that he is already a masterful
                                                                                     storyteller .... White Teeth ( rst published in Acoli as Lak
                                                                                     Tar) shows the early work of an important African writer
                                                                                     and it deals with a theme (bride wealth) that is prevalent
          46-003-9      The Concubine                   Elechi Amadi               500.00
                                                                                     in most African societies.”
                                                                                     - African Book Publishing Record
          46-034-9      The Future Leaders              Mwangi Ruheni              405.00
          25-788-8      The great ponds                 Elechi Amadi               500.00
                                                                                                Educate • Enlighten • Empower East African  Educational  Publishers
          25-064-5      The Last Plague                 Meja Mwangi                530.00
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