Page 24 - Pricelist-2020
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                                                                                      Mission to Kala b.pdf   1   6/11/18   11:17 AM
          25-059-4      The Minister’s Daughter         Mwangi Ruheni              530.00 Mission to
          46-988-5      The Other Woman                 Grace Ogot                 590.00 Wit, satire and ribaldry triumph as Jean-Marie Medza,   Mongo Beti  Mongo Beti
                                                                                       fresh from the university and failed exams, is sent to a
                                                                                       mission to an upcountry Cameroonian tribe to retrieve   Mission to
                                                                                       the wayward wife of a local villager. Medza has been
          46-325-9      The Present Moment              Marjorie O. Macgoye        530.00 distracted from his mission, Medza finds himself   Kala
                                                                                       delivered from his father’s wrath – temporarily – only to
                                                                                       meet  a  more  questionable  fate  at  the  hands  of  his
                                                                                       relatives  in  Kala  who  capitalise  on  their  newly
                                                                                       discovered treasure... a city boy... and a scholar as well!
                                                                                       the  centre  of  action  –  lionised  by  the  uneducated
          46-771-8      The Promised Land               Grace Ogot                 530.00 villagers, exploited by his cunning uncle and terrorised
                                                                                       by  females  of  all  ages  whose  determination  spells
                                                                                       disaster to the only aspect of Medza’s person which has
                                                                                       escaped public notice: his virginity.
                                                                                       ‘’Over and above its intrinsic merit as a piece of creative
                                                                                       writing, this first novel by a French West African is notable
          46-002-9      The River Between               Ngugi wa Thiong’o          495.00 for  its  mere  existence...  what  impresses  about  Beti’s   Mission to Kala
                                                                                       genuinely indigenous African novel is his tone of carefree
                                                                                       gaiety, his adeptness in pouring new narrative wine into an
                                                                                       old literary bottle, and his sympathetic contrast between
                                                                                       two generations divided by a yawning guilt’’
                                                                                           The New York Times Book Review
          25-528-1      The River Between (School Edition)   Ngugi wa Thiong’o     485.00  Cover Design: Serah Muchai
          46-865-X      The Strange Bride               Grace Ogot                 415.00  East African  Educational
                                                                                        Educate • Enlighten • Empower Publishers
                                                                                       East African Educational Publishers  Educate • Enlighten • Empower East African  Publishers Educational
                                                                                       Nairobi • Kampala  • Dar es Salaam • Kigali • Lusaka • Lilongwe
          46- 363-1     Things Fall Apart               Chinua Achebe              425.00
          46-001-2      Weep Not Child                  Ngugi wa Thiong’o          435.00
          46-445-X      White Teeth                     Okot p’Bitek               345.00
          25-491-9      Wizard of the Crow              Ngugi wa Thiong’o          2100.00

          EAEP Drama Series is a collection of highly comical and dramatic plays. The plays are written by renowned and
          upcoming playwrights who have won various theatrical accolades. Written in poetic grandeur, these plays capture
          dramatic awesomeness in an unforgettable manner.
           ISBN       TITLE                                 AUTHOR                  PRICE
          25-525-7    An Enemy of the People                Henrik Ibsen            355.00
          25-525-7    An Enemy of the People (School Edition)    Henrik Ibsen       360.00
          46-383-6    Aminata                               Francis Imbuga          340.00
          46-101-9    Androcles and the Lion                G.B. Shaw               245.00
          46-360-7    Betrayal in the City                  Francis Imbuga          350.00
          46-360-7    Betrayal in the City (School Edition)  Francis Imbuga         370.00
          46-378-X    Black Mamba                           John Ruganda            315.00
          46-283-X    Echoes of Silence                     John Ruganda            325.00
          46-078-0    Game of Silence                       Francis Imbuga          450.00
          46-157-4    I Will Marry When I Want              N. Thiong’o & N. Mirii    345.00
          46-625-5    Lwanda  Magere                        Okoiti O. Omtatah       375.00
          46-194-9    Man of Kafira                         Francis Imbuga          300.00
          25-064-6    Mugasha: Epic of the Bahaya           Nyambura Mpesha         400.00
          46-082-9    Muntu                                 Joe de Graft            480.00
          46-880-3    Shadows of the Moon                   Alamin Mazrui           345.00
          46-394-1    She Ate the Female Cassava            Jimmi Makotsi           265.00
          46-905-2    The Black Hermit                      Ngugi wa Thiong’o       450.00
          46-361-5    The Bride                             Austin Bukenya          345.00
          46-781-5    The Burning of Rugs                   Francis Imbuga          300.00
          46-260-0    The Caucasian Chalk Circle            Bertolt Brecht          330.00
          46-114-0    The Cooking Pan and Other Plays       M. Macpherson (Ed.)     345.00
          46-379-8    The Floods                            John Ruganda            375.00
          46-440-9    The Government Inspector              Nikolai Gogol           450.00
          46-532-4    The School                            V. Byabamazima          375.00
          46-111-6    The Successor                         Francis Imbuga          345.00
          46-064-0    The Trial of Dedan Kimathi            N. Thiong’o & M. Mugo   450.00
          25-522-8    Voice of the People                   Okoiti O. Omtatah       420.00
                      A Doll’s House (Set book)             Henrik Ibsen            450.00


          These are poetry books that have been written to help the student of literature to understand and analyse poems without difficulty. The
          books take an approach that addresses the theoretical and practical learning of poetry and has incorporated the requirements of the new
          integrated English syllabus for secondary schools. This set of books will indeed help demystify the learning and teaching of poetry.

           ISBN     TITLE                                  AUTHOR                    PRICE
          25-524-9  Appreciating Poetry: An Integrated Approach  N. Gitumbi & N. Njuguna  580.00

                                                                      The Peak in Publishing               25
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