Page 14 - The Edge: Issue 5 2020
P. 14

 The Allergy Epidemic
What is causing an increase in these deadly reactions?
Story and photos by Thien-Nhi Nguyen
Allergies were discovered somewhat recently - about 150 years ago - and there are no cures even today. Allergies are not uncommon, but they are definitely inconvenient. They are caused when the body misidentifies a substance as a threat and activates the immune system to remove this “foreign body.” Unfortunately, the allergy problem doesn’t seem to be going away. In fact, in our modern times, more and more children are at risk to develop allergies.
There is no clear reason why the world is becoming more allergic, but there are a few theories to why this may be.
defends itself.
The reactions
and severity of an
allergic reaction varies
from person to person, and
can range from a runny nose to even death.
Cigarette smoke is a definite factor that causes allergies. Pregnant mothers who smoke not only harm their baby
One theory is that the world is becoming
more hygenic. This means that children
will not get sick as often and thus, their
immune system may begin attacking things
that are harmless. Another theory states person’s DNA, so that allergies come from a lack of Vitamin
D. With the rise of technology, kids spend less time outside, and more time away from the sun.
An allergy does not have a specific
reaction assigned to it, but there are a few common allergy symptoms. Allergic reactions include, but are not limited
to, hives, nausea, and swelling. These symptoms are uncomfortable, but they are the way your body
Allergies are found within a
they will never vanish.
because of the tobacco, but also increase the chance of their child having allergies because of the smoke. Smoke is a known allergy trigger, but it also causes allergies to form.
Most parents want to protect their young children from germs. However, research has shown that this may put children at risk of developing allergies.Young children who aren’t exposed to these germs face a higher
risk of developing allergies and asthma. A study surveyed children for allergy statistics and found that about 41% of the allergy-free kids lived in homes that teemed with allergens and bacteria. Other studies have also suggested that clean pristine environments increase the risk of contracting allergies.
Not everyone gets allergies - only 1 in 6 Americans suffer from them. Most allergies are inherited, passed down from parents to their children. However, this does not mean that a child will have the same allergies as their parents. A child will only inherit the tendency to become allergic.
A person who has allergies will never be completely free from them. Allergies are found within a person’s DNA, so they will never vanish. However, with time, allergies can change significantly. Studies have found that as children grow older, their symptoms become more mild and bearable. So although there is no cure, there still is a chance to improve.
Although there is no known cure, it is possible to treat allergies and prevent them from overwhelming you. Minor allergies can be treated with antihistamines, corticosteroids, or decongestants. If you feel that you may be close to having an allergic reaction, there are some steps you can take to avoid it. If you have an EpiPen prescribed, always keep it with you. Keep your face and hair clean, and consider moving away from an area that has allergens. Always be careful in considering what situations may trigger your allergies. While allergies may be annoying and inconvenient, they don’t have to be deadly.

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