Page 6 - BPS News Nov 2017
P. 6

                 Andrew Jackson Middle
For the  rst  me in 11 years, Jackson Middle’s girls basketball team won the Brevard County Basketball Championship. Led by Coach Angela Bentley-Henry, the Lady Generals had an impressive 11-0 record for the 2017-18 season. They were the top-seeded team in the North Area Conference, and led the conference
in points scored per game and dominated teams defensively. Bentley-Henry said, “In order to win a championship it takes focus, leadership and great skill. The Lady Generals are the embodiment of all three.”
Apollo classes went on a virtual trip.
Heritage High
Students in the High School High Tech program
at Heritage High are growing in many ways. The program introduces students with intellectual and physical disabili es to career and higher educa on opportuni es. One of the group’s noteworthy endeavors is their school garden featuring vegetables and  owers.
The garden, which started as just two planter beds, has grown to six beds and nine large barrel planters. The crops are used for the Palm Bay school’s café and given to students in need. The gardeners con nuously make enhancements including student-built benches and work table. They are currently raising money for a storage shed.
According to Julie Hurt, the program’s coordinator and school’s ESE department chair, the project has resulted
in many posi ve outcomes. “The students have learned respect, responsibility, crea vity, pa ence, communica on skills, problem solving, money skills, purchasing skills,
What’s Cool in Schools
  The Lady Generals are county champs.
Apollo Elementary
Third grade students at Apollo Elementary, in Titusville, went on an expedi on to view American landmarks. Using Google Expedi on, students virtually visited the Statue of Liberty, Golden Gate Bridge, Mississippi River, Grand Canyon and more without leaving the library.
Media Specialist Missy Slack said, “Google Expedi ons provides a learning tool that not only allows real-world experiences but also meets the learners on so many di erent levels.”
The students will now research manmade American landmarks and recreate one using Lego or K’nex manipula ves, write a summary and blog about their experiences with their e-pals who live in Poland.
“This amazing opportunity allowed my students to make connec ons that cannot be possible through a book or video,” said Shru  Raman, third-grade teacher.
    HS High Tech students work on their garden.
organiza on skills and more,” said Hurt. “The students have gained new posi ve interac ons with their general educa on peers along with the faculty and sta  that come out to visit.”
(321) 254-5232
Melbourne & Indian Harbour Beach
   Dr. Chad R. Reddick

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