Page 32 - King Coba
P. 32
Other Beastly Boas
Brazilian Rainbow Boa
If all the snakes in the world entered a beauty contest, the Brazilian rainbow boa would certainly win grand prize. In addition to the ringlike pattern on their scales, these reddish-brown fashionistas have tiny ridges on their scales that refract light, making their
skin shimmer in lots of different colors. They are found in humid woodland forests in the Amazon River basin, in Guyana by the
coast, French Guiana, and southern Venezuela.
Green Anaconda
This massive snake is known for being the heaviest in the world. They can grow to weigh up to 400 lbs. (181.4 kg). That’s almost twice
as heavy as an average refrigerator! They are found throughout South America and some of the Caribbean Islands, and eat a wide range of animals, including peccaries (a medium-sized wild pig), capybaras, and even jaguars.
Besides constrictors, there are many other members of the boa family that are extra shiny, speedy, strong, and supersized. Let’s meet some more awesome boas!