Page 18 - The Edge: Issue 7
P. 18

    I, Ryan Peacock, will
the tech wood pile to Jesse (Jinx) Southern and the unicorn horn to Prop Emma.
I, Samantha Grimison, will my mad hurdle skills to Gaby Olson- Zapata.
I, Blake Leatherman, will any little bit of common sense
I have to Tanner Goforth.
I, Sawyer Davidson, will my marginal defensive abilities to Adam Ussery.
I, Theo Cox,
will my procrastination skills to someone, idk who but I’ll
figure it out later, and my sick bowling skills to Michael Harmon Jr.
I, Matt
Krestan; will
my ability in grammer for there
righting assignments to all who will need
it in you’re AP classes
I, Eliana Villarreal, will the ability to Hydrate or Dydrate to Evelin Gonzalez and Isela Villarreal.
I, Daniel Ordonez, will my Funnymandan legacy to Danny Meza.
I, Azalia Gates, will full custody of Apple to “my mother” Madison Aprandini and “my daughter” Taylor Young.
I, Hunter Hartman, will my ground ball skills to Tanner Goforth.
I, Christina Brown, will my stress and anxiety to Mia Perry and
Shannon Reid along with my lacrosse spirit to Bella Wessel.
I, Jillian
Czaplewski, will the
rights to the Thespians Showcase
to Logan Hancock and my half of Zach and I’s shared brain cell to Allison
I, Laura Hamp- Gattorna, will all my 0/5 quizzes to Mr. Johnston.
I, Kyle Rovillo, will my leadership of the Philosophy Club to Mr. Blumenthal.
I, Jack Mayer, will my fighting spirit and love of the game to Mr. Woods.
I, Thomas Hart, will the magazine to Phoenix Boggs and my quick thinking to Nicholas.
I, Amanda Lewis, will my organizational and memorization skills to my sisters, Yasmine and Evelyn.
I, Carlie Ortiz, will my pens and pencils to Emily Snider.
I, Chloe Petrosino, will my wit and mad buzzer skills to the Edgewood Academic Team.
I, Jieli Wegerif, will my impeccable “time management” skills to Lovisa Persen and Maisy Davis.
I, Brady Menswar, will all of the my oldest tricks to Coach Steven Mehok.

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