Page 19 - The Edge: Issue 7
P. 19

    I, Cassandra Gayman, will my calmness to Elizabeth Malone-Roth so you can make it through high school.
I, Michael Hancock, will my luck to my brother and my sister, Cole and Lara.
I, Selin Yildirgan, will my ability to survive Mr.Ecker’s class to Aylin Yildirgan.
I, Max Holt, will my senior project stress to Shawn Merrick-Miller.
I, Justin Lansing, will my impeccable golf skills to the entire Edgewood golf team.
I, Megan Farrier, will my 6 years of Chorus experience to Taylor Young.
I, Aaron Simonson, will my sexiness to Adam Ussery.
I, Ashlee Hirji, will my resting grouch face to my sister Shayla and my ceiling sounds to Edgewood’s Chamber Orchestra.
Alex Hidalgo, will
Shawn Merrick-Miller Blue Origin’s “orbital” capabilities and my
ITAR knowledge such as the [REDACTED] of ULA’s [REDACTED].
I, Monika Guirguis, will my Varsity Volleyball position to Emily Guirguis.
I, Kelly Nguyen, will leave
my asian love and continue to share funny moments to
Quentin Russo and
Aylin Yildergan.
I, Garrett Spears, will my PRIDE to Adam Ussery.
I, David Boughanem, will my gains to Corry Slade and all my lunch money to Angelina Boughanem.
I, Ava
Pishgar, will my
rad sound skills to Mark Johnston
as well as my flawless calculus skills and anxiety to Alex Diakakis.
I, Keely Sullivan, will my posi vibes to Alex Diakakis.
I, Thomas Seward, will the right to not make a will to everyone.
I, Elise Moreno, will anything to anyone.
I, Zach Hohl, will
my XC spirit to Josh Kraver, my operational operator-ness
to Shawn Miller, and my habit of debating too often to Sophia Gallo.
I, Kolby Greeson, will my career at McDonald’s to Joey Petranin.
I, Sierra Ziegler, will my universal pass to Katie Hearn.
I, Jeremy Cheng, will absolutely nothing to Brian Cheng.

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