Page 17 - Winter 2021 Digital inLEAGUE Volume 44 Number 01
P. 17
• invite all viable candidates to the forum — even if they are unable to
• refrain from editorializing informational reports.
The line between nonpartisan voter education and partisan campaign activity
can be very thin. This paper only touches some issues. If a public charity is not
sure about an activity, it should seek legal counsel.
Do not let the above regulations and limits discourage your public charity
from engaging in advocacy work. While it is critically important to know the
regulations and limits to lobbying and political engagement, options exist for
charities, and different laws guide non-charitable nonprofits.
What’s Your Story?
It’s been a while and we want to hear what’s going on in your theatre
or organization!
We are looking for your stories to include in upcoming Newsletters. They can be...
• Short stories for inclusion in our “In the Industry” news section. (100-250 words, one image)
• Longer stories to be featured as a stand alone article. (900-1300 words, several images)
• Case Studies. (900-1300 words, relevant images)
• Any wisdom you want to share with your peers and LHAT members!
Don’t have a story to share but have a topic you’d like us to feature in one of
our publications? That’s good too! When you share your ideas, you shape our
communications, keeping them relevant and meaningful.
We are always looking for content and content suggestions for our upcoming
publications. The good news stories you read in previous publications and many of
our articles were contributed by our members and we love sharing your stories.
Reach out to Theresa Grier at with questions, suggestions, and
February 2021 INLEAGUE | PAGE 15