Page 2 - Winter 2021 Digital inLEAGUE Volume 44 Number 01
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Save the DateS!
45 NatioNal CoNfereNCe & theatre tour
July 12-14, 2021
preSeNteD virtually iN partNerShip with
Our program is still being developed, but you can expect multiple
professional development and networking opportunities, as well
as our annual Meet the LHAT Service Providers EXPO and another
thrilling virtual Historic Theatre Ramble. More details will be
released as soon as they are available.
The League’s national conference is the largest annual gathering
of historic theatre professionals, community leaders, and service
providers and suppliers, attracting participants from across the
United States, Canada and the United Kingdom for idea sharing
and network building.
Thank you to our 2021 Sponsors so far:
Sign up now to be a 2021 National Conference Sponsor!
Demonstrate your leadership in the field, strengthen your
company’s name recognition and enhance visibility within the
historic theatre field, and gain a competitive advantage by
exposing your company’s products and services to your target
market. Email for more details.