Page 7 - Fall 2022 inLEAGUE with Historic Theatre Resource Guide/Allied Member Directory
P. 7
Introducing the LHAT Health Plan
A New Member Benefit
According to the American Hospital Association (AHA),
health coverage is essential insofar as it “facilitates access
to care and is associated with lower death rates, better
health outcomes, and improved productivity.” LHAT now
offers access to affordable health plans for you and your
Meaningful healthcare coverage is important to living a
productive, secure and healthy life. U.S. residents obtain sense of their own health and well-being; incentivizes ap-
health coverage from a variety of sources both private and propriate use of healthcare resources; and reduces financial
public. Private health coverage includes employers who strain on individuals, families and communities. Putting Audience
provide benefits for workers and their families and direct
purchase on the individual marketplace. Public plans in- Having access to healthcare coverage has many benefits.
clude Medicare (for seniors), Medicaid (for disabled or low It protects you and your family from financial losses in the
income people), and Veterans programs like the VA system. same way that home or car insurance does. Even if you are Growth at Center Stage
in good health, you never know when you might have an
The Impact of Your Healthcare Coverage accident or get sick. A trip to the hospital can be much more
costly than you might expect. Consider these facts:
Enrollment in coverage supports the health and well-being • The average cost of a trip to the emergency room With over 20 years of experience in the performing arts, AudienceView is
of individuals and their communities. Studies have con- for an adult is about $700. made up of people who believe wholeheartedly in the power and magic
sistently confirmed that coverage improves access to care; of live events.
supports positive health outcomes, including an individual’s • A broken leg can cost up to $7,500.
• Average costs for childbirth are up to $8,800, and Our powerful, all-in-one, easy-to-use ticketing software solutions power
well over $10,000 for C-section delivery.
The Voice of • The total cost of a hip replacement can run a live events from ticketing through to marketing and everything in between.
the Theatre mind-blowing $32,000. We help get your events discovered, attended, and remembered.
These examples sound scary, but the good news is that,
Museum-quality restoration and with the right plan, you can protect yourself from most of
conservation of historic pipe organs these and other types of medical bills.
The Barton Organ, Opus 249 (1927)
The Capitol Theatre, Overture Center for the Consider the LHAT Health Plan
Performing Arts, Madison, Wisconsin
The League of Historic American Theatres recently
launched the LHAT Health Plan which has been specifical-
ly designed to help LHAT members (Theatre and Allied) 15 million 2.9 million 997k
find access to affordable healthcare coverage.
in monthly social reach engaged audience in average monthly
For more information contact the World Insurance Associ-
ates: Terence Gorman at (848) 456-8600 x162 or members pageviews /Vincent Basciano at
(973) 871-1512 /
“The RBP product’s pricing/quality is outstanding! For
what we are paying in the current year, we could afford their Increase reach, create excitement, sell more tickets.
highest quality plan on this network...
JL Weiler, Inc. Grow your audience today.
PIPE ORGAN CURATORS, CONSERVATORS & CONSULTANTS We will receive better insurance for the same price or we
could choose to offer a similar level of insurance and reduce
1845 South Michigan Avenue #1905, Chicago, Illinois 60616
312-842-7475 | | the cost.”
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