Page 8 - Fall 2022 inLEAGUE with Historic Theatre Resource Guide/Allied Member Directory
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LHAT Remembers
Tony Rivenbark
It was with a heavy heart that we shared the news of Tony
Rivenbark’s passing in July of this year. But it is with love
and laughter that we remember who he was and what he
meant to the League of Historic American Theatres.
“Tony Rivenbark was a master, a quirky, inspirational
master, with so much knowledge and an incredi-
ble sense of humor. He came to Newberry from the
League as a mentor for the earliest board. He didn’t
laugh at the pigeons and bats in the auditorium. Or
the tumbleweed in the streets. Instead, he laid out a honor Tony by making a gift to LHAT. We weren’t exactly
plan and told those early, hopeful board members sure how to respond because we didn’t want it to appear
that if everyone worked harder than they ever had
before, that we could make it happen. We followed that LHAT was taking anything away from Thalian Hall.
his guidance-and it did. The man was an adorable, But then we remembered a photo taken by former LHAT Photo by Don Telford taken of Tony during the Philadelphia Conference in 2019
irascible genius. No one can replace Tony Rivenbark.” President Don Telford during the Philadelphia National TONY RIVENBARK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND
Conference in 2019. Looking at that photo reminded us of
~ Deborah Smith, Director, Emeritus of Newberry Opera not only Tony’s love for the League and its Annual Confer- An LHAT scholarship fund was set up in honor of Tony. An initial gift from Margaret Genovese that was matched by
House – South Carolina ence, but also of Tony’s humor and, more importantly, his Maureen Patton has established the fund. Proceeds will be used to assist theatres in attending the national conference.
generosity. No Fee Consulting indeed. How very Tony. You can make a gift at or by contacting Colleen Poehlman at
Tony was the longtime Executive Director for Thalian
Hall (c.1858) in Wilmington, NC. He joined LHAT in Realizing that Tony believed in the League and in the pos-
1980 shortly after taking over Thalian Hall. He served on itive outcomes from our conference, we have established a
the Board from 1988-93, and was the recipient of LHAT’s Scholarship Fund in Tony’s memory. Theatres who might
Outstanding Individual Contribution Award. He attended not be able to afford attending the conference will have
37 of LHAT’s 46 national conferences and was a frequent access to it for free. Anyone receiving a scholarship will be
presenter. Thalian Hall hosted LHAT regional conferences made aware of Tony’s contributions to the League. Tony’s
in 1991 and 2010 and Tony chaired the National Confer- “no fee consulting” will continue in spirit if not in person.
ence in 1987.
“Tony was my very first friend in LHAT. In 1983, we
Tony was a friend and mentor to many LHAT members. were sitting next to each other on the steps of a the-
And while he was an incredible Ambassador for the atre for a Nuts and Bolts session and I naively asked
League, if you got to know Tony personally, you also knew how many staff members each person had to run their
he was a kind and infectiously funny soul who cared deeply theatres. The leader started at 10 or more and count-
about all that is important to LHAT – preservation, arts, ed down. When she got to 2, Tony and I raised our
entertainment and most of all, community. hands, looked at each other and laughed. We were
quite a pair from then on. Everyone wanted to be
“It is a very sad day for LHAT and historic theater col- on the bus with Tony. He made us laugh, he told un-
leagues. Tony expressed the soul of LHAT – preserva- believable stories that we were certain were true, and
tion, arts, entertainment and most of all, community. then would turn into a knowledgeable and passionate
It is a deep personal and professional loss for so many advocate for historic theatres that would inspire and
of us.” challenge everyone within hearing distance. Tony
was an imp and a sage, a talented actor and a
~ Russ Collins, Executive Director of State & Michigan The- brilliant historian. We will continue to share his stories
aters - Ann Arbor although they will never be quite the same, but will
be a tribute to Tony’s wit and wisdom. Our lives are
LHAT’s announcement of Tony’s passing generated many enriched for being part of his.”
lovely messages from members sharing their fond memo- ~ Maureen M. Patton, Executive Director of The Grand 1894
ries of Tony. More than a few asked if there was a way to Opera House - Galveston
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