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boards. If an LED needs
                                                                                   to be replaced, the
                                      H Heellppiinngg  CClliieennttss  NNaavviiggaattee    module can be swapped
                                           T Taaxx  CCrreeddiitt  FFiinnaanncciinngg    out in under 10 minutes.
                                                                                   Reader boards must be
                                                                                   disassembled to reach
                                           Closed over $900 MM of Projects         the bulbs, resulting in an
                                           o     Federal Historic Tax Credits      inoperable sign for hours.
                                           o     State Historic Tax Credits
                                           o     New Markets Tax Credits
                                                                                   Tips for retrofitting
                                           Specialty in Historic Theatres          Theaters that are
                                           Support throughout Compliance Period    considering a marquee
                                           35 Years of relevant experience
                                                                                   renovation using a digital
                                                 Darlene “Dee” Smolik              sign should keep a few best
                                                      President                    practices in mind.
                                                  Tel: 865-254-4343             1.     Keep the new sign true
                                                 to the original marquee.
                                                                                   Historic marquees often
                                                                                   have beautiful shapes
               that owners will want to maintain. Digital signs can be curved or mitered to fit existing
               structures, so the original cabinet can be salvaged. A good sign dealer and digital
               sign manufacturer can come up with creative solutions to retrofit the existing cabinet.
               If signs are being recreated, use a cabinet size that will fit standard signs instead of
               paying for custom-size digital modules.

            2.  Get the highest resolution you can afford. Landmark theaters attract a lot of attention,
               so you want to make sure your sign is high resolution enough so it can be read by
               people in cars and pedestrians down the street, as well as by those who are standing
               under it. In general, 10mm or higher is recommended for marquee signs; however, if
               you can afford higher resolution you should buy it. Simply going from 10mm to 8mm will
               deliver 44 percent higher resolution for a small increase in cost.
            3.  Ask for an animated rendering of the sign. This video will show what your sign will
               look like as it’s operating, which will help stakeholders who may be resistant to using
               the new technology. These renderings also can be helpful in gaining approvals from
               historic districts and for raising money.
            4.  Look for a manufacturer that will stand behind the sign. A new marquee requires a
               significant investment, so you’ll want to make sure that your digital sign manufacturer
               has a good track record of service and support. Look for a company with a reputation
               for manufacturing reliable signs.

        Nothing compares to the nostalgia of visiting a historic theater, except perhaps finding ways
        to modernize these structures without compromising their histories. LED signs can provide
        all the excitement of old-fashioned marquees using a more modern and cost-efficient

        About the author:
        David Wuellner is the central region director for Watchfire Signs and has worked with nearly a
        dozen historic theaters to restore their marquees.

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