Page 41 - July 2017 inLeague and Conference Program
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Five Star Sponsors
Jujamcyn Patron Technology’s
Theaters is mission is to
recognized as revolutionize the arts
a theatrical & entertainment
innovator, industry by helping
championing shows that push the boundaries our customers build stronger and more profitable
of Broadway and create new experiences for relationships with their patrons. PatronManager,
audiences. Jujamcyn looks forward to welcoming our CRM system, combines box office ticketing,
you to one of their five Broadway theatres including fundraising, marketing, and staff collaboration, built
the St. James, Al Hirschfeld, August Wilson, Eugene entirely on the cloud-based Salesforce platform.
O’Neill, and Walter Kerr. Current productions Since launch in 2010, it has been the fastest growing
include the Tony Award winning Best Musicals, Kinky platform for arts & culture organizations in the
Boots, The Book of Mormon and Groundhog Day. U.S. Over 650 organizations use PatronManager,
Recent productions include American Idiot, Bullets primarily symphony orchestras, theatres, opera
Over Broadway, Clybourne Park, Flea!, Hair, How companies, dance companies, university
to Succeed in Business, Jersey Boys, A Little Night performing arts centers, and museums. Founded
Music, The Producers and Spring Awakening. in 2001, Patron Technology became the leader in e-marketing technology for arts nonprofits with its
first product, PatronMail.
Four Star Sponsors
Agile Ticketing stay focused on your project until the punch list is
Solutions delivers completed. Our services include: preconstruction
enterprise-class design consultation; conservation &restoration;
ticketing solutions that decorative painting; gilding & specialty finishes;
can be tailored to fit murals & other artwork; ornamental plaster &
the needs of the smallest community art house to the scagliola, stone, wood & metal services and
largest film festival. From a full-featured box office, acoustic treatments.
call center order entry, with online and kiosk sales to
customer relationship management and reporting, Irwin Seating
we offer a complete line of fully integrated software Company,
and services designed to power your individual headquartered in
marketing effort and ticketing operation. Grand Rapids, MI, is
the world’s largest
manufacturer of new and restored seating for
EverGreene historic theatres, movie theatres, auditoriums,
Architectural Arts, arenas, stadiums, and performing arts centers.
established in 1978, Irwin offers a formidable product line to meet and
provides design, enhance any entertainment venue. Recent historic
conservation, projects include the Kings Theatre in Brooklyn,
restoration, and decoration services for distinctive Shubert Jacobs Theatre, NY, San Francisco War
historic and contemporary interiors. We have Memorial Opera House, Orpheum Theatre in
brought our craftsmanship to more than 200 Minneapolis, Palace Theatre in Stamford, CT,
theaters; 32 state capitols and hundreds of other Shreveport Memorial Auditorium, LA, BAM Harvey
civic, commercial, institutional, and sacred Theatre, Brooklyn. Whether you are interested in
buildings. EverGreene is passionate about restoring new or restored seating, Irwin Seating provides the
America’s landmarks, has expertise in a wide range capabilities and expertise to create the optimal
of historic materials and methods and is always seating solution for your facility!
client-focused. We often join a project team in the
preconstruction, planning & design phases and
41 National Conference & Theatre Tour July 2017 INLEAGUE | PAGE 39