Page 46 - July 2017 inLeague and Conference Program
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Single Star Sponsors

        Marketing                                                 Veezi is a cloud-
        innovation                                                based cinema
        is the key to                                             software
        reinventing                                               solution,
        the customer                                              created for
        experience and growing your audience and we               Independent Cinemas. Engineered by Vista,
        believe that great technology and digital tools           Veezi has all the benefits small cinemas need and
        play a huge role in this. We can’t wait to catch up       leaves out the stuff they don’t. Now Independents
        with you all soon to talk about where audience            all across America can run their cinema from
        development is heading next.  If you don’t know           anywhere – 24/7. And because Veezi is subscription
        Spektrix, our mission is to provide arts organizations    based, cinemas only pay for what they use. V-Tix
        with the best possible chance of success in               is Veezi’s customizable internet ticketing platform
        ticketing, marketing and fundraising, which we            which increases sales and thanks to Veezi, smaller
        do through our cloud-based technology and                 independent cinemas can sell tickets on Fandango
        support services. Our team of 90+ work with over          too. With all the bells and whistles, Veezi has
        300 organizations in the US, Canada, and the UK,          Independents covered. From a queue busting
        including The Curran, New York Theatre Workshop           UsherPoint app, fantastic film programming and
        and The Capitol Theatre.                 Loyalty system, to a full featured POS and reporting.
                                                                  Power to the Independents!

                                              Critic's Pick Sponsors

        Arts                                                      offers a full range of architectural and interior
        Management                                                design services from programming and concept
        Systems is                                                development through technical documentation
        the creative                                              and construction administration. Over the past 25
        genius behind                                             years, the Firm’s success has centered on the ability
        Theatre Manager venue management software.                to create exceptional buildings and environments
        Theatre Manager is the finest, affordable solution        that achieve both technical as well as design
        for Patron & Household CRM with seamless                  excellence.
        integration of Box Office, Development, Marketing,
        Finance, Volunteer and Facility Management                Orchestra is
        functions. Theatre Manager is used at colleges,           a passionate
        universities, municipalities, non-profits and for-profit   advocate for
        organizations. Our experience is drawn from many          the key role
        100s of venues, with 1000s of users using Theatre         theatres play in
        Manager to annually track approximately 3/4 of            building strong sustainable communities by creating
        a billion dollars in revenue. Since 1985, Theatre         environments for artistic expression and social inter-
        Manager software has been used to manage                  action. Founded in 1992, our staff of architects, de-
        everything from Theatres to Festivals, from Arenas to     signers and researchers work with leading cultural
        Performing Art Centers, from Symphony Orchestras          and educational institutions around the country to
        to Museums . . . to just about everything in between.     plan spaces that reflect our client’s highest aspira-                                    tions. Working with these non-profit cultural institu-
        Kostow                                                    tions has taught us to examine alternative designs,
        Greenwood                                                 look for innovation, respect the existing context
        Architects                                                and provide economical solutions. We have been
        (KGA) is                                                  responsible for programming and designing over
        recognized                                                150 Theatres ranging from historic restoration to new
        a leader in the field of broadcast / media facility       construction. We bring knowledge of every aspect
        design, performing arts, and development. Project         of performing arts architecture. Our design process
        types include new construction, adaptive-reuse,           is both comprehensive and collaborative resulting
        renovation and historic preservation. The practice        in finely tuned environments that enhance the art

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