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Two Star Sponsors

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                       doNorperfect is a fundraising growth platform that enables nonprofits to raise more money
                       and engage donors by effectively automating administrative tasks and organizing constituent
                       data. On average, first-year customers increase their annual revenue by over 20%! https://www.

        iNteramerica Stage: Theatres hold a special place in the hearts of many people. They are
        places of magic and invention; places where anything can – and just might – happen. These
        old buildings are a bridge between the past and present, connecting us to the people who
        occupied them decades ago. And if you do it right, restoration can inject life and revenue
        back into the community. With thoughtful upgrades, historic theatres can compete with today’s
        newer high-tech performance spaces. Restoration expands technical capabilities, which in
        turn, allows you to support programming that meets the expectations of today’s audiences,
        thus reinvigorating streams of revenue typically associated with entertainment arts venues. IA Stage can help
        you determine the best plan of action to make your space relevant again. Give us a call.

                       KirwiN & SimpSoN have been providing first-class auditorium seating for the entertainment
                       industry since 1945. As a 4th generation family business, we are dedicated to creating superior
                       quality chairs and providing effective follow-up services. We support all the commercial London
                       West End theatres and a wide selection of auditoria and concert halls throughout the UK,
                       together with prestigious installations in North America and Australia. We specialise in creating
                       bespoke seating for heritage theatres which are sympathetic to chair designs of a bygone era,
                       but which incorporate new technologies to enhance the comfort, dimensions and durability
        demanded by both modern theatre goers and owners. Kirwin & Simpson offer the full service from layout,
        design, manufacture, delivery, installation and maintenance aftercare.

                                           One Star Sponsors


                        Combining innovative technology with individualized client support, audieNceview has been
                        leading the way in ticketing software and event promotion for over 20 years. Our global
                        team stands behind our mission to transform how events are discovered, attended, and
                        remembered, with over 80% of our client-facing team having previous experience at a live
                        event organization or venue. Our solutions drive efficient operations for 2,000+ venues in 12
                        countries, with over $5M in ticket sales and $1M in donations processed through AudienceView
        daily. Your entire team can work together using a centralized platform to the benefit of your most passionate
        supporters and newest community members alike. With real-time patron information at your fingertips and
        an integrated, customer-centric approach, AudienceView sets your entire team up for success. www.

                       Pioneers in the field of theatre restoration, and a Charter Member of the League of Historic
                       American Theatres, coNrad Schmitt StudioS has been privileged to provide award-winning
                       decoration and restoration for historic theatres for over 130 years. Our on-site investigations
                       of historic decorative painting schemes, followed by sketches and samples, have assisted
                       many theatres in raising funds for their restorations. Our comprehensive scope of services
                       also includes ornamental plaster and scagliola repair, mural conservation, and a variety of
        decorative finishes including stencils, glazing, gilding and trompe l’oeil. From monumental palaces and opulent
        atmospherics to intimate movie houses, CSS has worked in theatres of all styles, themes and sizes throughout
        the country.

                                                   46th National Conference & Theatre Tour      July 2022   INLEAGUE  | PAGE 41
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