Page 48 - Summer 2022 inLEAGUE with 46th National Conference Program
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2022 Conference Speakers
maica JordaN is the Chief Development Officer gary martiNez, FAIA, is a Partner and leads the
at the Austin Theatre Alliance and manages cultural arts sector at OTJ Architects in Wash-
two departments, Development and Educa- ington, D.C.
tion. She has been with the Alliance as mem-
ber of the Executive Management Team and
in a leadership role for more than sixteen years. aLeX mccaLLum is the Northeast Regional Sales
Under her guidance, the organization has grown from a Manager at Irwin Seating. He has exten-
small/medium sized nonprofit generating just under a million sive experience seeing high-profile projects
in contributed revenue, to a medium/large organization through completion from conception, de-
producing 4 million in contributed revenue. In addition to sign/development, and installation all while
her Development and Education Department responsibil- prioritizing the client’s goals. He has spent 10+
ities, Maica has played a critical role in the strategic plan- years working with theatres of all sizes, striving to solve the
ning process that has grown the Austin Theatre Alliance into many challenges as they renovate, reopen, and rethink their
a $15 million gross revenue organization. She, alongside the patron experience. Partnering with clients to design and
senior leadership team, stewards the preservation, mainte- implement theatre spaces, that incorporate ideas to nurture
nance and care of these two historic gems in Austin and both the creative process and a successful business, is what
finds sharing them and their magic with the community a excites him when presented with new challenges in the the-
recurring highlight of her career. atre world. Never hesitate to reach out to him, as he loves to
help clients bring their visions to a reality!
david KahN is a Project Acoustician with Acous-
tic Distinctions. His nearly 40-year career has iaN moore is Chief Executive Officer of NuBax Limited. Having
focused on performance space design, includ- qualified from Liverpool University with a med-
ing many historic theatres. As an active musi- ical degree, Ian spent three years in sales and
cian, he views venues from both the user’s and marketing in the UK Pharmaceutical industry.
the designer’s perspective and understands the importance Awarded Top UK Sales Rep in 1984, in 1985,
of giving all stakeholders a voice in the design process. His Ian moved to become a Financial Investment
work is to sensitively harmonize functional, artistic, and other Analyst specializing in the Healthcare Industry.
goals to enable facilities to serve the broadest number of For 17 years he has had various senior management posi-
purposes and community members. tions in the Investment Banking Industry. In 2002, Ian joined
MAN Group as a Business Consultant for start-up business-
aLycyN KeeLiNg is the Executive Director of the es. These varied roles led to in-depth analysis of company
Wallace Theater in Levelland, TX and co-found- strategies, fund raising and corporate communications. Ian
er of the non-profit organization. The Wallace joined start-up company NuBax following its formation in
is a beautiful historic theatre in a rural commu- 2004 and now advises start-ups and family business on strat-
nity with the mission of “Creating Experiences egy and Business Development. Ian holds 2 other Non-Exec-
that Entertain, Inspire and Empower!”. Alycyn utive Board positions, including a role with Kirwin & Simpson
is currently overseeing a $4.2 Million Capital Renovation Theatre Seating.
project and in the past 7 years has grown The Wallace from
a theater closed for over 30 years, to an organization that eric moreLLi is an accomplished, professional musician with
serves the community with four employees, hosts 60+ events, vast sound engineer experience. Eric works
and is now producing its own season of live theatre that with our academy children and directs/pro-
will provide employment opportunities for over 100 artists duces two performances (one each semester)
throughout the year. Before her time at the Wallace, Alycyn each year. Eric is also responsible for marketing
worked for the U.S. Department of Education and worked shows and events performed at our theatre.
on development and implementation of the Presidential
Leadership Scholars Program with the George W. Bush aLeX Nerad is the Executive Director of the historic Egyptian
Presidential Center, the Clinton Foundation, The George & Theatre in DeKalb, IL where he started in 2006.
Barbara Bush Foundation and the LBJ Foundation. While at the 1,400 seat Egyptian Theatre he
has overseen $8.5 million in improvements to
chriStopher LoeSer, AIA is an architect specializing the theatre including a recent two-story addi-
in the design of cultural and performing arts tion to the lobby with restrooms, concessions,
centers. He leads DLR Group’s Cultural & Per- and new HVAC. During his tenure the Egyptian has grown
forming Arts practice in Cleveland and over- from 1 to 5 full-staff and from a $100,000 annual budget
sees cultural work in our Cleveland, Columbus, to now over $1 million. He has guest taught at the Illinois
New York City, and Washington D.C. offices. Institute of Art - Schaumburg, has been a guest presenter at
Chris serves on the Board of the League of Historic American multiple Northern Illinois University classes on non-profits, and
Theatres and was a juror for Cleveland Restoration Society has presented twice before at the LHAT annual conference
and AIA Celebration of Preservation Awards in 2017 and which he has attended annually since 2007. He is on the
2019. While much of his work has been regional, he has board of the DeKalb Area Arts Council, Fox Valley Ballet,
worked with many national and international clients. DeKalb County Convention and Visitors Bureau, Illinois Local
Arts Network, DeKalb County Non-profit Partnership, and
Proudly DeKalb, Inc.
PAGE 46 | INLEAGUE League of Historic American Theatres