Page 44 - Fall 2023 inLEAGUE with Historic Theatre Resource Guide/Allied Member Directory
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Webb Management Services, Inc. Wilson Butler Architects
Contact: Duncan M. Webb, President Contact: Rebecca Durante, NCIDQ, IIDA, LEED
800 W End Ave, Apt. 11A, New York, NY 10025 AP, Principal / (212) 929-5040 70 Federal Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110 / (617) 720-7127
Company Description: Webb Mgmt is a
management consultant practice specializing Company Description: We are an award-
in the development, renovation and operations winning architecture and interior design
of theaters. We have completed feasibility firm with 25+ years of expertise in creating
studies, business plans and strategic plans for outstanding entertainment, hospitality, and
over 450 historic theaters, performing arts facilities cultural experiences. Our projects span a wide
and other arts organizations over the past 23 range within this specialty area, including historic
years, from urban movie palaces to small- theaters, state-of-the-art entertainment venues,
town opera houses. We are a research-based civic perform ing arts centers, and new and
practice, conducting market/audience surveys, renovated higher education arts facilities. We
comparable projects analysis and best practices design places where people want to be. These
research. We are now focusing on post-Covid are spaces to experience life - to be enlightened
recovery services, addressing programming, by the arts, take in a class on animation, relish
audience engagement, fundraising, safety and in great conversation over food and wine, or
security, and streaming/technology solutions. be reduced to tears of laughter by a wicked
Webb Mgmt’s research and planning informs performance.
renovation, expansion and district projects,
improves access to funding and financing, and The Winslow Group, Inc.
leads venues to a sustainable future.
Contact: David Winslow, President
Whirley-DrinkWorks! 1538 Overbrook Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27104 / (336) 722-7982
Contact: Mary Worley, Marketing Brand Strategist
618 Fourth Avenue, Warren, PA 16365 / (814) 723-7600 Company Description: Since 1983, The Winslow
x1138 Group, Inc. has provided fundraising counsel, campaign management, feasibility studies,
organizational Assessment, Board development,
Company Description: Whirley-DrinkWorks! is and related services to nonprofit organizations
known as the inventor of the theatre sippy cup including performing and visual arts centers,
and its accompanying program called “Back to historic theatres, museums, historic preservation
the Seats.” A souvenir refillable cup program for groups, and educational, religious, and social
your bar concessions is a great way to enhance service organizations.
guest experience and minimize disposable
waste while earning more revenue during your
shows. Let your guests take their beverages
“Back to the Seats”-- you enjoy the profits; your
guests enjoy the show! We have over 50 years
of experience designing and manufacturing
reusable drinkware, barware, and other food
& beverage containers at our local factory in
Warren, PA. Plus, we offer a premium line of
vacuum-insulated stainless-steel tumblers and a
full range of services including custom graphics,
new product development, and merchandising
options to help increase concessions sales.
PAGE 42 | INLEAGUE League of Historic American Theatres