Page 42 - Fall 2023 inLEAGUE with Historic Theatre Resource Guide/Allied Member Directory
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V.I.P. Tours of New York legacy.
Contact: Dr. Joseph S. Rosenberg, President; Voith & Mactavish Architects LLP
Alejandro Almaguer Garcia, Director
320 W. 38th Street, Suite 1003, New York, NY 10018 Contact: Meaghan Finney, Marketing & Business; / Development
(917) 335-1743; (646) 510-1823 2401 Walnut Street, 6th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103 / (215) 545-4544
Company Description: V.I.P. Tours of New
York specializes in custom-designed, behind- Company Description: Voith & Mactavish
the-scenes theatre and architecture tours, Architects is a full-service design firm based
meticulously crafted to foster and strengthen in Philadelphia that specializes in institutional
relationships between a theatre’s Executive architecture, planning, historic preservation, and
Directors, Board Members, and their esteemed interior design at a variety of scales. Our robust
financial supporters. Our reputation is based theater & performing arts portfolio includes
on our sophisticated, warm, and personalized both new facilities and renovation/restoration,
approach and attention to detail. From including partnerships with historic venues like
the feedback we get from our clients, the Philadelphia’s renowned Academy of Music and
relationships fostered during our Broadway the County Theater (Doylestown, PA). We believe
Adventures often lead to significant increases that great design comes from innovation in the
in future donations and commitments. Beyond context of tradition, which defines our approach
New York’s theatrical marvels, we offer theatre to developing beautiful, functional, and
adventures in Edinburgh (Theatre Fringe and sustainable environments for clients throughout
International Festivals), a very special adventure the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regions.
to support the cultural richness of Cuba in dance
and art, and London/Stratford-upon-Avon.
Contact: Steven Peters, President
1615 Golden Aspen Drive, Suite 107, Ames, IA 50010 / (515) 232-5151
Company Description: Founded in 1996
VenuWorks provides full-service management
solutions for theatres, arenas, and conference
centers, serving a diverse client roster of nonprofit
organizations, municipalities, and universities
throughout the United States. Our services
include facility planning & development,
administration and finance, operations, box
office, programming, HR, food & beverage,
security & safety, and sales & marketing. Over
the past two decades, VenuWorks has remained
focused on its core mission to maximize the
presentation of successful events at our clients’
venues for the cultural, recreational, educational,
and economic benefit of the communities we
serve. With a staff of over 3200, VenuWorks
manages venues in ten states. Notable among
these venues are seven historic theatres, each
with its own unique challenges, and each with
a rich legacy to share. It is our job to successfully
address those challenges to sustain and grow the
PAGE 40 INLEAGUE League of Historic American Theatres