Page 37 - Fall 2023 inLEAGUE with Historic Theatre Resource Guide/Allied Member Directory
P. 37

National Trust Insurance Services                      Perspectus

        Contact: Kevin Sullivan, Client Executive              Contact: Patrick Hyland, AIA LEED AP, Sr. Project
        10150 York Road, Suite 420, Cockeysville, MD 21030     Director / (410) 547-3176             1300 East 9th Street, Suite 910, Cleveland, OH 44114      / (216) 752-1800
        Company Description: Maury, Donnelly & Parr,
        Inc. (MDP) is the administrator of National Trust      Company Description: Perspectus is a full-
        Insurance Services, LLC (NTIS) and the Historic        service architecture firm, committed to creating
        Theatre Insurance Program exclusive to LHAT.           exceptional experiences. Our dedicated team of
        NTIS is proud to support LHAT as a strategic           designers utilize creative solutions in pursuit of our
        partner and to assist members in finding the most      clients’ greatest ambitions, and provide reliability,
        comprehensive and affordable insurance to              cooperation, and communication from first steps
        meet their organization’s needs. Historic theatres     through finishing touches. Our team is passionate
        are unique, and this should be reflected in the        about Historical Structures, whether Magnificent
        insurance products that protect them. Our              or Problematic. We provide the creativity and
        program provides policy features that are not          technical support to Preserve, Rehabilitate,
        available in the general insurance marketplace.        Restore, and Reconstruct. Our services support
        As a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic     client goals and promote the longevity of
        Preservation, NTIS is the leading provider of          historically significant 18th, 19th, and 20th century
        insurance solutions for historic properties.           buildings.

        OTJ Architects                                         Plymouth Soundings, LLC

        Contact: Falynn Schmidt, Principal                     Contact: Darlene (Dee) Smolik, President
        580 Water Street SW, Washington, DC 20024              305 Kennesaw Lane, Lenoir City, TN 37771 / (202) 748-7175              / (865) 254-4343                             

        Company Description: OTJ approaches the                Company Description: Plymouth Soundings ,
        design of performing arts facilities by looking        LLC (PSL) specializes in helping clients access
        to the future experience of the community,             Historic Tax Credits (HTCs) and New Markets
        patron, performer, and operator, even when             Tax Credits (NMTCs) for qualifying projects.
        the context of the venue is firmly rooted in           Typically, Tax Credit Consultants focus primarily
        the past. Our team has met the challenge of            on only the financing for the Tax Credit Equity.
        renovating historic assets to accommodate              However, a successful project that maximizes
        opera, symphony, chamber music, and a single           Tax Credit potential, begins planning for Tax
        public speaker in successive performance slots.        Credit financing at project inception. Darlene
        By aligning practical solutions, sound project         Smolik (Dee), President of PSL, begins work with
        management, and exemplary architecture,                the Client during the project planning process
        we deliver solutions that maximize flexibility,        to identify unique challenges, opportunities,
        ease of operation, and versatility while artfully      and solutions. PSL can address Historic Tax
        balancing the requirements of clients and those        Credit spending evaluations, accounting issues,
        of the communities in which they practice. Our         cash flow challenges, entity structure, project
        historic theatres include the Cincinnati Music Hall;   tracking, reporting, and operations transition.
        King’s Theatre in Brooklyn; Paramount Theatre in       Dee continues working with the client after the
        Charlottesville, VA; Paramount Theatre in Cedar        project financing through project completion,
        Rapids; and Saenger Theatre in New Orleans.            compliance period, and Investor exit. Dee’s first-
                                                               hand knowledge on all these aspects, extensive
                                                               experience, proven results, and specialization
                                                               with Historic Theatres make PSL unique in the

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