Page 34 - Fall 2023 inLEAGUE with Historic Theatre Resource Guide/Allied Member Directory
P. 34

Historic Stage Services, LLC                           Irwin Seating

        Contact: Wendy R. Waszut-Barrett, Ph.D.,               Contact: Anne Chapman, Marketing Coordinator
        President                                              3251 Fruit Ridge Road NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49544
        4021 Adair Avenue N, Minneapolis, MN 55422    / (866) 464-7946 / (612) 715-6505       
                                                               Company Description: Proud to be
        Company Description: Our team specializes              manufactured in Michigan since 1908!  Irwin is the
        in historic stages and how to make them work           world’s largest manufacturer of new and restored
        for today’s needs. We will work with you to            seating for historic theatres, movie theatres,
        help determine the perfect balance of historic         auditoriums, arenas, stadiums, and performing
        elements and modern technology for your                arts centers. Our broad product line enhances
        theater. Whether it is consultation, design,           any entertainment venue. We excel at historic
        manufacturing, or installation, we have decades        renovations.  Whether you are interested in new
        of experience working with everything behind           or restored seating, Irwin Seating has the custom
        the curtain line. For further information about our    seating solution for your facility!
        services, please visit our website.
        InterAmerica Stage, Inc.
                                                               Contact: Jennifer Tankleff, President
        Contact: Mark T. Black, President                      815 Fairview Avenue #10, Fairview, NJ 07022
        5401 Benchmark Lane, Sanford, FL 32773        / (888) 325-7192 / (407) 302-0881      
                                                               Company Description: IWEISS has been in
        Company Description: Theatres hold a special           the business of manufacturing and installing
        place in the hearts of many people. They are           theatrical drapery and stage rigging for over
        places of magic and invention; places where            120 years with a strong expertise in restoration
        anything can - and just might - happen. These          work. IWEISS is proud of its association with many
        old buildings are a bridge between the past            of the League’s members. Recent renovation
        and present, connecting us to the people who           work includes custom fabric and wall upholstery
        occupied them decades ago. And if you do               for the State Theatre in Cleveland, rigging and
        it right, restoration can inject life and revenue      drapery at the Kings Theatre in Brooklyn, NY, the
        back into the community. With thoughtful               Sun Theatre in Springfield, MO and the Tampa
        upgrades, historic theatres can compete with           Theatre in Tampa, FL. In more recent years,
        today’s newer high-tech performance spaces.            IWEISS has developed their line of curtain track
        Restoration expands technical capabilities, which      and rigging equipment that has been installed
        in turn, allows you to support programming that        in theatres both new and old across the country.
        meets the expectations of today’s audiences,           IWEISS has also expanded their presence to
        thus reinvigorating streams of revenue typically       a 44,000 square foot facility in Springfield, MO
        associated with entertainment arts venues. IA          which now houses an additional steel and
        Stage can help you determine the best plan of          drapery shop.
        action to make your space relevant again. Give
        us a call.

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