Page 29 - Fall 2023 inLEAGUE with Historic Theatre Resource Guide/Allied Member Directory
P. 29

Brian Wishneff & Associates                            Coloring Historic Theatres

        Contact: Adam Markwood, Managing Director of  Contact: Escott O. Norton, Author / Illustrator
        Investments                                            7190 W. Sunset Blvd #36E, Los Angeles, CA 90046
        30 W Franklin Road, Suite 503, Roanoke, VA 24011; Escott@ / (540) 982-1317            / (323) 459-5005                        

        Company Description: Brian Wishneff &                  Company Description: Coloring Historic Theatres
        Associates is a tax credit consulting and              creates custom tools for your theatre that can be
        syndication firm that specializes in helping           used for fundraising, marketing, and community
        facilitate projects seeking to utilize tax credits     outreach. Author/Illustrator Escott O. Norton
        and a variety of other funding sources. Since          produces original, highly detailed coloring books
        our inception in 1995, we have facilitated             for all ages, focused on the unique beauty,
        investments in over 350 projects involving over        hidden details, and history of each specific
        $900 million in tax credit proceeds, including         theatre. Illustrations created for the coloring
        dozens of theatres throughout the U.S.  We             books can also be used for other colorable gift
        understand the unique opportunities and                items and marketing materials. Escott brings
        challenges of working with historic theater            four decades of theatre advocacy and design
        projects.  BW&A brings a unique perspective to         experience to the creation of each custom
        each transaction with our extensive real estate,       coloring book and works directly with your team
        economic development, legal and accounting             to create a custom coloring book that best
        background which helps our clients maximize            represents your theatre.
        their benefit from the use of these programs.
        We have expertise in a variety of programs             The Compass Group, Inc.
        including Federal and State Historic Tax Credits,
        Federal and State New Markets Tax Credits, and         Contact: Robert Bull, Jr., President
        Renewable Energy Tax Credits among others.             124 Quay Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
                                                      / (800) 809-3170
        Casablanca Payments                          
                                                               Company Description: The Compass Group
        Contact: Wynn Salisch, Principal                       is a national fundraising consulting firm that
        245 West 104th Street #4E, New York, NY 10025          teaches mission-based organizations to build / (203) 253-7259                     their capacity for sustainable impact. With
                                                               an average of 32 years of experience, our
        Company Description: Casablanca Payments               consultants leverage real-world expertise to
        gives you better service at lower cost. Our low        provide tailored service. Our culture—and service
        costs and highly personal and responsive White         model—is based on partnership. Philanthropy
        Glove Concierge Service has given us one of the        doesn’t happen on its own. We need to create
        best client loyalty rates in the payments industry.    the right environment for it to thrive for maximum
        The only credit card processing company in the         impact. That’s why The Compass Group is
        nation founded by an actual theatre owner,             committed to engineering philanthropy. As
        we excel at improving your bottom line through         a minority-led business, we proudly serve the
        significant cost savings, a lifetime rate lock in      most diverse portfolio of clients in the industry,
        writing, and direct phone lines (no annoying           including a dynamic group of arts and culture
        call centers) to our U.S. office. Hidden costs pile    organizations. We see philanthropy as a
        up without your knowing, so let Casablanca             driving force for a better today and tomorrow,
        cut them at the roots while vastly improving the       fueling change for more unified and equitable
        quality of service and support!                        communities.

                                               All photos in this directory section
                                               were taken by Don Telford for
                                               the League at our 2023 National
                                               Conference in Kansas City.

                                      Historic Theatre Resource Guide / Allied Member Directory      Fall 2023   INLEAGUE  | PAGE 27
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