Page 30 - Fall 2023 inLEAGUE with Historic Theatre Resource Guide/Allied Member Directory
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Conrad Schmitt Studios Inc.                             CSNA Architects

         Contact: Eileen Grogan, Director of Historic            Contact: Gregory M. Friesen, FAIA, Principal
         Preservation                                            Architect
         2405 South 162nd Street, New Berlin, WI 53151           532 North Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 / (800) 969-3033      / (719) 473-7225                    

         Company Description: Pioneers in the field of           Company Description: Company Description:
         theatre restoration, and a Charter Member               CSNA Architects has practiced in the Pikes Peak
         of the League of Historic American Theatres,            region of Colorado for over forty years, with
         Conrad Schmitt Studios, Inc. has been privileged        projects also located in California, Nevada, Ohio,
         to provide award-winning decoration and                 Illinois, Wyoming, Texas, Kansas and Minnesota.
         restoration for historic theatres for over 130 years.   Illinois, Kansas, Nevada, Texas, Minnesota, and
         Our on-site investigations of historic decorative       Wisconsin. We are a diverse group of design
         painting schemes, followed by sketches and              professionals with international backgrounds and
         samples, have assisted many theatres in raising         educations. We believe that we can make a
         funds for their restorations. Our comprehensive         significant impact on the lives of others through
         scope of services also includes ornamental              the environments that we design. At CSNA,
         plaster and scagliola repair, mural conservation,       we take pride in working closely with clients to
         and a variety of decorative finishes including          carefully craft architectural solutions thoughtfully
         stencils, glazing, gilding and trompe l’oeil. From      created to enrich their lives. Design Matters.
         monumental palaces and opulent atmospherics             Doing it well, together with you, we will make a
         to intimate movie houses, CSS has worked in             difference.
         theatres of all styles, themes, and sizes throughout
         the country.

                                                  IS HONORED TO BE A

                                                   NATIONAL PARTNER
                                                              OF THE
                                             LEAGUE OF HISTORIC

                                             AMERICAN THEATRES

                                      ON BROADWAY & ON TOUR  ON BROADWAY & ON TOUR  ON TOUR
                                             Interior of the Landmarked New Amsterdam Theatre
                                                    Celebrating 120 Years of Beauty                                 ©Disney

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