Page 33 - Fall 2023 inLEAGUE with Historic Theatre Resource Guide/Allied Member Directory
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Gala Systems, Inc.                                     HENRY ADAMS, LLC Consulting

        Contact: Christopher Shaw, Sales Director              Engineers
        America & Asia
        3185 First Street, St. Hubert, QC J3Y 8Y6 Canada       Contact: Jeanne S. Tebera, PE, CFPS, Principal / (760) 613-4252                 600 Baltimore Avenue, 4th Floor,  Baltimore, MD 21204               / (410) 296-6500
        Company Description: Gala Systems is leading
        the understage industry and the venue                  Company Description: HENRY ADAMS Consulting
        transformation since 1980. Using the Spiralift®,       Engineers specialize in upgrading and integrating
        the world’s most compact lifting system,               the Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and
        Gala Systems has now completed more than               Fire Protection systems in historic theatres. Our
        2,000 projects in 65 countries with installations      engineers understand the inherent design
        including orchestra lifts, seating wagon systems,      challenges and requirements that are present
        theatre stage lifts, scenery lifts and piano lifts for   with both historic structures and performing arts
        theatres, auditoriums, concert halls, casinos and      centers. We are adept at designing optimally
        multipurpose venues. In addition, our products         controlled environments for the historic integrity
        include seating risers, table lifts and stage risers,   as well as the comfort of patrons. Our portfolio
        orchestra podiums and chorus risers for concert        includes The Baltimore Hippodrome; The Boston
        stages. Our experienced engineers, innovative          Opera House; and The Kennedy Center in
        technology and customer service support                Washington, DC, along with numerous academic
        respond to your needs through all phases of            performing arts centers. Historic theatres are
        construction or renovation projects.                   woven into the fabric of communities. Let us
                                                               provide our expertise to help you preserve your
        Genovese Vanderhoof & Associates                       theatre for future generations.

        Contact: Margaret Genovese, Senior Partner             Historic Plaster Conservation Services
        1103-77 Carlton Street, Toronto, ON M5B 2J7 Canada / (416) 340-2762                   Contact: Ray Tiedemann, President                        330 Belleville Turnpike, North Arlington, NJ 07031
                                                      / (201) 998-0894
        Company Description: Over the past 35 years, ; http://www.
        Senior Partners Margaret Genovese and Dory   
        Vanderhoof have built one of North America’s
        leading arts/cultural management consulting            Company Description: For more than 60 years,
        firms. GV&A has an unparalleled record of              John Tiedemann Inc. (JTI) has specialized in
        success in assisting their clients in EXECUTIVE        interior decorative painting and plastering. JTl’s
        SEARCH, effective planning, capital campaigns,         associate company, Historic Plaster Conservation
        successful facility development and dramatic           Services (HPCS) USA was formed in 1988 to
        improvement to contributed and earned                  pursue opportunities in the very specific field
        income. The firm’s clients range from the              of architectural plaster conservation. HPCS
        continent’s largest ballet and opera companies,        addresses and repairs systemic deterioration and
        theatres, museums, art galleries and orchestras,       structural problems of fragile plaster in historic
        to highly specialized arts organizations, such         buildings, including theaters. We address the
        as modern dance companies, folk festivals,             problem at its root - where the plaster meets its
        theatres for young audiences, science museums,         substrate.
        performing arts facilities, historic theatres, living
        history museums, arts service organizations and
        government agencies.

                                     Historic Theatre Resource Guide / Allied Member Directory      Fall 2023   INLEAGUE  | PAGE  31
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