Page 5 - Fall 2023 inLEAGUE with Historic Theatre Resource Guide/Allied Member Directory
P. 5

A New Look and Feel is Coming to

        the LHAT-CHAT Network in Early 2024

        Same great online community, just with a friendlier, familiar, and mobile responsive look

        The LHAT-CHAT Network is getting a facelift in early   2.  No “obvious” access to profile, profile navigation
        2024. We’re not changing the community, so there is    is hidden behind the tiny profile image to be replaced
        no need to worry about getting to know a whole new     with profile that allows you to easily keep your profile
        environment. We’re simply updating the look and feel  information up to date.
        of it to make it easier to engage in and navigate. If you   3.  Image and all subsequent information take up a
        are familiar with social media, you’ll find the new look   lot of space, forcing you to scroll down to see “what’s
        of the LHAT-CHAT Network super familiar and easy to    new.” Even then, depending on your settings, you can
        adjust to. If you aren’t, we’re positive you’ll still feel   only view some of the newest posts or replies. This
        right at home and find                                                               will be replaced with
        the new format easy to                                                               real-time feed that is
        navigate.                                                                            “front and center”;
        The forum isn’t chang-                                                               no scrolling down and
        ing, and if you prefer                                                               clicking to see posts.
        the current layout when                                                              You can simply scroll
        you “view all forum                                                                  down the feed.
        posts,” you will still be                                                            4.  Lots of scrolling/
        able to click that link                                                              clicking to get where
        from the home page                                                                   you want to go to be
        and see the same list                                                                replaced with grouped
        you’ve been seeing.                                                                  links and “no scroll”
        You can even bookmark                                                                frame that has all the
        that page to navigate                                                                navigation right there
        there directly. The                                                                  where you can easily
        library is also staying the                                                          find it.
        same. Finally, for all our
        members who access                                                                   Did we mention the
        the LHAT-CHAT Network                                                                new overall LHAT-CHAT
        from the daily emails,                                                               Network experience
        that’s staying the same                                                              will make it more
        too. You’ll still be able to                                                         mobile friendly? If
        reply to posts privately                                                             you look at the image
        and publicly the same as                                                             showing how the cur-
        you can today.                                                                       rent and updated site
                                                               will look, you can see it’s easy to figure out where you
        We’ll send out an email before it goes live, but in the   are and where you want to go.
        meantime here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming.
                                                               Here are the biggest changes you can expect when
        Here are the biggest changes you can expect when       accessing the CHAT on a mobile device:
        accessing the CHAT on a computer:
                                                                   1.  Currently the navigation (hamburger/three
        1.  Hard to navigate menus at the top of the page to           lines menu) only displays when you first
        be replaced with larger, easier to access and read             navigate to the site. Navigation will persist or
        menus.                                                         “stick” to the top of your window when you

                                       Historic Theatre Resource Guide / Allied Member Directory      Fall 2023   INLEAGUE  | PAGE 3
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